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EP5 Scheduler will not archive Documents via the Unity API "StoreNewDocument" - EP4 works

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
  • Upgraded to EP5 in our test environment from EP4
  • Did not change the script or any other configuration
  • Started to receive this error message in Diagnostics when the Unity Scheduler Service ran a Workflow Timer that contained a Unity Script

System.Exception: Service class 'Hyland\Stream\Stream' for service path 'Hyland\Stream\Stream\Write' not found.

  • When attempting to run the same code through the Application Server instead of the Unity Scheduler Service, I receive
An error occurred within the Unity API: Error connecting to File IO module (OBCorePlatMgmt.dll): InstallID not passed
at Hyland.PlatterManagement.Core.FileAccessImpl..ctor(IPMSessionContext context)
at Hyland.PlatterManagement.Core.PMFactory.<GetFileAccessImpl>b__29_0(String dsn)
at Hyland.Core.PersistentDataSourceObjects.<>c__DisplayClass3_0`1.<GetObject>b__0(String key)
at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.GetOrAdd(TKey key, Func`2 valueFactory)
at Hyland.Core.PersistentDataSourceObjects.GetObject(String dataSourceName, Func`2 loader)
at Hyland.PlatterManagement.Core.Archival..ctor(IPMSessionContext context)
at Hyland.PlatterManagement.Core.FeatureFactory.GetArchival()
at Hyland.Core.PlatterManagement.CoreArchival..ctor(Session session)
at Hyland.Core.DefaultStorageHandler.CreatePages(PageDataList pageDataList, DocumentStorageProperties props)
at Hyland.Core.StorageHandler.privateStoreNewDocument(PageDataList pageData, DocumentStorageProperties props)
at Hyland.Core.StorageProvider.StoreNewDocument(PageDataList pageData, DocumentStorageProperties props)
at Hyland.Core.Unity.Services.Core.storeDocument()


Unity Script Log throws
Exception of type 'Hyland.Public.ServiceException' was thrown.
at Hyland.Types.Response.Validate()
at Hyland.Types.ServiceStream.Execute(Request request)
at Hyland.Types.ServiceStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at Hyland.Unity.Services.HylandServices.CoreServiceAccess.Hyland.Unity.Services.ICoreServiceAccess.PrepareStreams(IEnumerable`1 pdList)
at Hyland.Unity.Services.HylandServices.CoreServiceAccess.Hyland.Unity.Services.ICoreServiceAccess.StoreDocument(IEnumerable`1 pageDataList, StoreNewDocumentProperties props)
at W360BuildFormConfigurationJSONwithoutInfera.W360BuildFormConfigurationJSONwithoutInfera.OnWorkflowScriptExecute(Application app, WorkflowEventArgs args) in :line 372

Relevant Unity Script snippets - LINE 372 is the StoreNewDocument line below:
PageData pd = app.Core.Storage.CreatePageData(fcstream, ".json");
FileType ftJSON = app.Core.FileTypes.Find("JSON");
DocumentType dtFCJ = app.Core.DocumentTypes.Find(formJSONArchiveDT);
StoreNewDocumentProperties newDocProps = app.Core.Storage.CreateStoreNewDocumentProperties(dtFCJ, ftJSON);
newDocProps.AddKeyword("Assessment ID", long.Parse(aid));
Document fcJsonDoc = app.Core.Storage.StoreNewDocument(pd, newDocProps);
Log.Information($"Created {taskType} JSON Payload Document ID {fcJsonDoc.ID} for aid {aid}");


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I ran into this issue and we had a workaround that we were able to use. Copy Hyland.Canvas.Services.Common.dll from the Application Server's bin folder into the folder where Hyland.Core.Scheduler.NTService.exe is located.


Also, delete the "Hyland.Services service cache .soa" file from your user's temp folder on the machine running the scheduler service (if your service is running with your NT credentials). Otherwise, that file might be in the Windows temp folder. Restart the scheduler service.

View answer in original post


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Same issue here

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
An error occurred within the Unity API: Error connecting to File IO module (OBCorePlatMgmt.dll): InstallID not passed

Without further context, it appears the "InstallID" value is not getting shuttled along to the satisfaction of the call.


I mention this because I spent some time getting the following to all work together:

  • Disk Group names, folder structures on host Windows 2019 server
  • Windows NTFS privileges to folder
  • ONBASE.ID file in disk group subfolders
  • INSTALLID in the database
  • IIS 10 ApplicationPoolIdentity rights to the disk group folders
  • DDS privileges
  • DDS encryption privs

Did you run an SQL update command to change the

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I ran into this issue and we had a workaround that we were able to use. Copy Hyland.Canvas.Services.Common.dll from the Application Server's bin folder into the folder where Hyland.Core.Scheduler.NTService.exe is located.


Also, delete the "Hyland.Services service cache .soa" file from your user's temp folder on the machine running the scheduler service (if your service is running with your NT credentials). Otherwise, that file might be in the Windows temp folder. Restart the scheduler service.