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Security Keyword settings for keywords that change

Star Contributor
Star Contributor


I have an interesting issue.  We have access to certain documents limited by security keywords using the "Location" keyword.  Since we've had OnBase, we've had employee info import for the autofill keyword set that updates all of the documents.  That way if an associate moved to a new location, the manager at their new location has access to all of their documents.

Now for some reason we need for the document keywords to not change, but still be able to restrict access to documents based on their location, even the documents that were indexed with the old location keyword.

I don't think we can have both of these but I figured I'd reach out see if anyone has been in a similar situation.



Hi Bob,

If I understand you correctly, you are using an Autofill Keyword Set to update employee information as their work assignment changes (i.e. employee location, manager, etc), however the new process for restricting documents needs to account for any location where the employee has worked.

It is possible to have multiple instances of a Keyword with different values on a document therefore allowing access to anyone with the respective Security Keywords values.  In this instance, the document could be indexed with "Location 1" and "Location 2" allowing access to the document to anyone with Security Keywords configured for either of those values. 

That being said, there are some notable challenges.  If you are using Keyword Type Groups and the Location Keyword Type is part of the group, you will only be able to index a single instance of the Keyword Type on the document.  The other challenge is that you are using an Autofill Keyword Set to update the documents including the Location keyword value.  If you only have a single instance of the AFKS per employee which doesn't account for legacy locations, then only the current location value will be index on the document when you expand the AFKS on the document.  Part of this comes down to how the documents are being index (i.e. during scanning, manually, barcodes, Workflow, etc). Depending on your configuration/implementation, your request might require a reconfiguration. 

Take care.

Luckily they are not in a keyword group but the autofill keyword file only sends a single instance of the keyword set. So when the location updates in that file, it just replaces the old location. I'm trying to figure out if there's a way using workflow to add a new "Location" keyword instead of replacing the old value.

The documents for the most part are indexed using disconnected scanning manually.

Workflow can add keyword values without replacing them as can Keyword Updater. This can be used for the existing documents within the system.

Prior to simply adding the secondary keyword value, you might want to think about how this process is going to be maintained moving forward. You are going to need to keep track of the current and previous locations. My recommendation is to add a new keyword type to the document types for the previous location. You can then populate the previous location value with the employees previous location and then use the previous location keyword type as another Security Keyword Type.

Some things to think about:
- Do you plan to maintain it in the AFKS?
- Is the value ever going to change?
- Will there ever be multiple previous locations?
- If you only use the "location" keyword type (no previous keyword type), how are you going to distinguish between the current and previous locations?

Food for thought.