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Remoting Versus SOAP

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Our software vendor has changed the protocol for accessing the OnBase Web/App server from REMOTE to SOAP.  I know this by checking these three areas.

1) The Web.Config file under the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AppNet directory IS referencing Remoting based on this line of code...

    <ApplicationServer Url="http://DCJSAPP00/AppServer/Service.rem" ServiceClientType="Remoting" />

2) The Web Config file under the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AppServer directory IS referencing SOAP based on this line of code...

          <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="960000000" />
                <clear />
                <add value="service.asmx" />

3) Within the "Configuration" utility and under "Utils" and "Application Server" the setting is "http://dcjsapp00/AppServer/service.asmx

This is a 12.0.3 version of OnBase and running on a Windows 2008 R2 Standard server (Service Pack 1) with both the Application and Web installed on the same logical server.

Is there something I am missing that may key me in on why the vendor has the AppServer setting set to SOAP protocol instead of REMOTING?

The vendor would lead us to believe that setting is made in order to resolve an issue with the user being able to connect in via their 3rd party software application.  But perhaps something else needs to be considered in order to keep things copesthetic and using "Remoting".  Everything I have read and heard (class room) is that SOAP was used under prior releases of OnBase and that you "should" be using Remoting.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am under fire in order to get this issue resolved. 



64 bit O/S



Generally, remoting transfers data in pure binary while SOAP is in XML. While remoting is typically faster, SOAP tends to work much better with Firewalls and Loadbalacers.

Take a look at the Web Server Admin MRG under the section titled "Configuring Service Client Settings" for complete details from an OnBase Perspective related to the Web/App Server. Download link:



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Based on your AppNet settings, it looks like you are configured for remoting between your Web/App Server.  The pertinent setting in your AppServer Web.Config is actually the "useRemoting" attribute under the Endpoint element and not the defaultDocument setting which you posted.  It should look something like this:

<Endpoint useRemoting="true" />

I hope this helps.

Nick McElheny | Trover Solutions, Inc.

Lead Systems Engineer - Document Imaging


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Hi Michael,

What issue are you having with this?

The SOAP and Remoting configuration really only applies to the communication the Web Server makes to the Application Server. The configuration for it is specified only by the web.config setting on the Web Server (AppNet) in the section you identified in #1. So your Web Server is configured to use Remoting.

The SOAP reference in #2 is for the default page that IIS should use. So if you were to go to http://server/AppServer in your browser, it would default to Service.asmx. This should not have any impact on users as no one is accessing the Application Server through a browser directly.

The Application Server setting from Configuration does not apply here because it's talking directly to the Application Server, so the Web Server is not in play. It's going to use SOAP (Service.asmx) regardless of what the Web Server is set to.

Using Remoting is generally preferred. There is a bug in 10.0 and earlier 11.0 builds where SOAP performed slowly. It has been addressed in 11.02.170 and later. Now their performance is about the same, according to our testing. The one case you have to use SOAP is if you are load balancing the Application Servers. It will not work with Remoting. You can load balance the Web Servers and have them each go to a specific Application Server with Remoting though.

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Yes Nick, the Remoting is on for the AppServer within the Web.Config file

<Endpoint useRemoting="true" />

Thank you for pointing this out,


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