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how to programmatically transition a document from one queue to another

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Good Day to All!

I am in the process of creating a workflow and I am wondering, what is the syntax for moving a doc between queues? I have an If..Then..Statement and a select case statement I want to use but until I can figure out a way to move docs between queues, its kinda useless.

On that note, is there any documentation that would show what the OnBase Script Objects are and what their parameters are, etc...?


have a great day


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

That documentation would be in the OnBase SDK, which you can request from API Support assuming you're API certified. If you're not certified, they will not provide that documentation.

As for the syntax of that, may I ask why you want to do that from a script? I've done a lot of workflow and script development, and very, very rarely have wanted to do transitions from within the script. There are usually other/better ways.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Thanks for the reply. 🙂 And here's mine...

I have been tasked with revamping one of our workflows. This workflow was created years ago, with very little instruction on how to create it. I am ripping it apart to determine what is needed and what isn't. I have numerous keywords that aren't being used, there are several if..then statements that need to be rewritten...etc...

Here's the quick version of how it's supposed to work:

1. customer calls requesting a payoff quote

2. employee imports a document and adds keywords.

3. based on a keyword, the document could be transistioned to one of 6 queues that are monitored by specific employees

5. Research is done and a  form is filled out

4.  An Ad Hoc User task creates a Word doc that is then saved into a network folder. this is where it gets a bit hokey. The user task calls a VBScript that takes the information from the form in step 5, does some calculations, and saves it to a Word doc that is then saved to a network drive.

5. Once the Word doc is saved, the form completed in Step 5 is then transistioned to the "Completed" queue for supervisor review

The VBScript uses a lot of the On Base Script Objects and it would be helpful to know what they are and how they are supposed to function


Based on a further read of your write up, I am guessing that the document that is imported is created by your CSR based upon Customer data.  This might be better accomplished directly in OnBase through the action of creating an E-Form, which could be the driving document for your workflow.

If you are re-Writing an old workflow anyway, revamping it to a more efficient process would be recommended.

Many of us here would be happy to consult on your new process inside or outside the forum.



Not applicable


Not all of the APIs allow you to move documents through workflow.  Even when using ones that do, I usually leave the transition of documents to workflow actions.  If the logic is especially complex, I may perform the evaluation in a script, then return the lifecycle and queue name to the property bag (in-memory hash table) and have a workflow action perform the transition from those values in the prop bag.

In your outlined process, are you planning on having the script at step 3 or 6?  If it's 3, I wouldn't consider an evalution of 6 possible exit points too complex for simple workflow rules and wouldn't use a script there.  If it's step 6, then workflow scripts can be run as a rule.  If the script returns True (no errors), have worflow transition the document to the completed queue.  Otherwise, send it somewhere for error handling.