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A Keyword that is too long

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
We have a customer who has some archived data that they want to bring into OnBase via DIP. One of the "keywords" on these documents that they would like brought in is over 500 characters long. As we all know this is far too long for a keyword in OnBase. Have any of you run into a situation like this before, any suggestions on how to easily keep this information?



You're correct. The process Andrew is describing won't work because Virtual forms only store Keyword values. An alternative way to do this, if you own WorkView, is to do a mass import of those records via the "Import Class Data" functionality.

I know that may not be super helpful for folks that don't have WorkView, but it is an alternative solution.


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Thanks Thomas, I will check that out!



As soon as I posted that, your previous comment came into my mailbox and I realized that what we recommended with using Virtual Forms won't work.

So, I edited my previous response to provide another alternative.

Sorry about that!

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Thomas and Andrew, I watched the video - and I do understand how to set up a DIP to work with an eform/virtual eform. That isn't the struggle here. The struggle is that the DIP can only bring in keyword values. I cannot make this data a keyword value because it has too many characters (500+). Is there a way that I am not seeing to bring in non-keyword data into OnBase via a DIP and/or is there another way to do this easily?ThanksNina

Not applicable

Hey Nina,

How many documents are you trying to DIP? This is a suggestion and honestly I am not sure if its feasible, depending on the number of documents you have. In DIP, when you set the field order, you can set the same keyword type twice, meaning, let's say you have Description as the keyword type, you can set Description twice, back to back. So if you can cut the keyword value at or before 250 characters, then it should essentially treat it like F6 (second instance) at the document type level.

I am not a 100% sure if this will work, so please test it.

Hope this helps.
