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Viewing information by user - Reporting Dashboard

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

I would like to know if the Dashboard information can be viewed according to the current user


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Hi Leonel,


Yes, you can add criteria to a custom SQL data provider so that the results will be based on the logged in user. 


Information about doing that is in the Macros section of the Reporting Dashboards MRG, which starts on page 412 for version 18.

View answer in original post

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Hi, Leonel.  Thanks for using Reporting Dashboards.  If you're using a custom SQL data provider, then you can use macros like ##OB_CURRENTUSER_ID to get the current user ID, ##OB_CURRENTUSER_NAME to get the current user name, and more.  These are documented in the "Query Macros" section of the Reporting Dashboards Module Reference Guide.

View answer in original post


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Hola !! saludos 

Estoy en la implementación de Identity provider / y Api-server de la ultima versión de Ep4

E tenido ciertos inconvenientes con respecto a ciertos criterios que los e resuelto pero he llegado a la etapa de Login en el identity provider el cual el manual no especifica a donde o como probar si esta funcional o no la aplicación  

en el portal esta un video el cual explica paso a paso la instalación  y realizan las pruebas pero no explica la configuración del login 

si pudieran apoyarme pues estaré muy agradecido de ante mano gracias 

El problema es que cuando ingreso las credenciales en el Login user =MANAGER Password= password este da error 



Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
It is throwing me this error by web when using that ##OB_CURRENTUSER_NAME
Does anyone know why?


Sorry that you've encountered this problem.  Could you share with us your query that uses ##OB_CURRENTUSER_NAME?

Entrada.[Nro tramite],
when WF.[Fec. Ingreso CR] is not null and WF.[Fec. Ingreso CR]<> '1964-01-01 00:00:00.000'then WF.[Fec. Ingreso CR]
else null
end as [Fec. Ingreso Responsable],
Entrada.[Responsable de CR],
Entrada.[CR Encargado],
when WF.[Fec. Salida CR] is not null and WF.[Fec. Salida CR]<> '1964-01-01 00:00:00.000' then WF.[Fec. Salida CR]
else null
end as [Fec. Salida Responsable],
when Encargado.[Fec. Ingreso Encargado] is not null and Encargado.[Fec. Ingreso Encargado]<> '1964-01-01 00:00:00.000' then Encargado.[Fec. Ingreso Encargado]
when Abogado.[Fec. Ingreso Abogado] is not null and Abogado.[Fec. Ingreso Abogado]<>'1964-01-01 00:00:00.000' then Abogado.[Fec. Ingreso Abogado]
else null
end as [Fec. Ingreso Encargado],
when Encargado.[Fec. Salida Encargado] is not null and Encargado.[Fec. Salida Encargado] <> '1964-01-01 00:00:00.000' then Encargado.[Fec. Salida Encargado]
when Abogado.[Fec. Salida Abogado] is not null and Abogado.[Fec. Salida Abogado] <> '1964-01-01 00:00:00.000' then Abogado.[Fec. Salida Abogado]
else null
end as [Fec. Salida Encargado],
when depa.[Fec. Ingreso Depa] is not null and depa.[Fec. Ingreso Depa]<> '1964-01-01 00:00:00.000'then depa.[Fec. Ingreso Depa]
else null
end as [Fec. Ingreso Depa],
Entrada.[Jefe Dpto],
when depa.[Fec. Salida Depa] is not null and depa.[Fec. Salida Depa]<> '1964-01-01 00:00:00.000' then depa.[Fec. Salida Depa]
else null
end as [Fec. Salida Depa],
Entrada.[Involucrado CR],
Entrada.[Involucrado Fecha Plazo Max],
Entrada.[Involucrado Fecha Respuesta],
Entrada.[Fec. Tramite],
Salida.[Medio de Envio],
Salida.[Tipo de Firma],
when Salida.[Fecha Fin] is null then Entrada.[Fecha Fin2]
when Salida.[Fecha Fin] is not null then Salida.[Fecha Fin]
end as [Fecha Fin],
Entrada.[Fec. Vcto],
when Entrada.[Fec. Vcto]< (case when Salida.[Fecha Fin] is null then Entrada.[Fecha Fin2] when Salida.[Fecha Fin] is not null then Salida.[Fecha Fin] end) then 'FUERA DE PLAZO'
when ( case when Salida.[Fecha Fin] is null then Entrada.[Fecha Fin2] when Salida.[Fecha Fin] is not null then Salida.[Fecha Fin] end ) IS NULL and Entrada.[Fec. Vcto] < getdate() then 'FUERA DE PLAZO'
when (( case when Salida.[Fecha Fin] is null then Entrada.[Fecha Fin2] when Salida.[Fecha Fin] is not null then Salida.[Fecha Fin] end )) <= Entrada.[Fec. Vcto] then 'DENTRO DE PLAZO'
when (( case when Salida.[Fecha Fin] is null then Entrada.[Fecha Fin2] when Salida.[Fecha Fin] is not null then Salida.[Fecha Fin] end )is null ) and Entrada.[Fec. Vcto]>= getdate()then 'DENTRO DE PLAZO'
else null
end as Cumplimiento
from (select distinct id.itemnum,
rtrim(i185.keyvaluechar) as [Nro tramite],
i79.keyvaluetod as [Fecha Correspondencia],
rtrim(ktg134.kg205) as [CR Encargado],
rtrim(i253.keyvaluechar) as [Departamento],
i202.keyvaluedate as [Fec. Tramite],
i222.keyvaluedate as [Fec. Vcto],
rtrim(ktg134.kg266) as [Responsable de CR],
rtrim(i281.keyvaluechar) as [Jefe Dpto],
when rtrim(ktg117.kg178) is not null then rtrim(ktg117.kg178)
when rtrim(ktg117.kg178) is null then rtrim(i279.keyvaluechar)
end as [Encargado] ,
i326.keyvaluedate as [Fecha Fin2],
i280.keyvaluechar as [Security],
rtrim(i176.keyvaluechar) as Estado,
i331.keyvaluedate as [Fecha Salida CR Legal],
rtrim(ktg120.kg241) [Involucrado CR],
ktg120.kg285 as [Involucrado Fecha Plazo Max],
ktg120.kg272 as [Involucrado Fecha Respuesta],

when ktg120.kg285>= ktg120.kg272 then 'DENTRO DE PLAZO'
when ktg120.kg272 is null and ktg120.kg285>= getdate()then 'DENTRO DE PLAZO'
when ktg120.kg285< ktg120.kg272 then 'FUERA DE PLAZO'
when ktg120.kg285< getdate() then 'FUERA DE PLAZO'
end as Cumplimiento_invo,
when ktg120.kg285< ktg120.kg272 then 'FUERA DE PLAZO'
when ktg120.kg285< getdate() then 'FUERA DE PLAZO'
end as [FUERA],
when ktg120.kg285>= ktg120.kg272 then 'DENTRO DE PLAZO'
when ktg120.kg272 is null and ktg120.kg285>= getdate() then 'DENTRO DE PLAZO'
--when Invo.[Involucrado Fecha Plazo Max] is null then 'DENTRO DE PLAZO'
end as [DENTRO]
from hsi.itemdata as id
left join hsi.keyitem185 as i185 on i185.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem253 as i253 on i253.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem202 as i202 on i202.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem222 as i222 on i222.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem281 as i281 on i281.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem279 as i279 on i279.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem326 as i326 on i326.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem280 as i280 on i280.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem331 as i331 on i331.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem79 as i79 on i79.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem176 as i176 on i176.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyrecorddata134 as ktg134 on ktg134.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyrecorddata117 as ktg117 on ktg117.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyrecorddata120 as ktg120 on ktg120.itemnum = id.itemnum
where id.status = 0 and id.itemtypenum in(266) and i185.keyvaluechar is not null
) as Entrada
left join
select distinct
i185.keyvaluechar as [Nro tramite],
i248.keyvaluechar as [Despacho],
i187.keyvaluechar as [Medio de Envio],
i247.keyvaluechar as [Tipo de Firma],
i326.keyvaluedate as [Fecha Fin],
i234.keyvaluechar as [Firmante]
from hsi.itemdata as id
left join hsi.keyitem185 as i185 on i185.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem248 as i248 on i248.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem187 as i187 on i187.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem247 as i247 on i247.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem234 as i234 on i234.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem326 as i326 on i326.itemnum = id.itemnum
where id.status = 0 and id.itemtypenum in(195)) as Salida
on Entrada.[Nro tramite] = Salida.[Nro tramite]
left join
select distinct id.itemnum,
i185.keyvaluechar as [Nro tramite],
min(wf.entrytime) as [Fec. Ingreso CR],
max(wf.exittime) as [Fec. Salida CR] from hsi.itemdata as id
left join hsi.wflog as wf on wf.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem185 as i185 on i185.itemnum = id.itemnum
where statenum = 104 and id.itemtypenum in(266) and id.status= 0
group by id.itemnum,i185.keyvaluechar) as WF
on Entrada.itemnum= WF.itemnum
left join
select distinct id.itemnum,
i185.keyvaluechar as [Nro tramite],
min(wf.entrytime) as [Fec. Ingreso Encargado],
max(wf.exittime) as [Fec. Salida Encargado] from hsi.itemdata as id
left join hsi.wflog as wf on wf.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem185 as i185 on i185.itemnum = id.itemnum
where statenum = 105 and id.itemtypenum in(266) and id.status= 0
group by id.itemnum,i185.keyvaluechar) as Encargado
on Entrada.itemnum = Encargado.itemnum


left join
select distinct id.itemnum,
i185.keyvaluechar as [Nro tramite],
min(wf.entrytime) as [Fec. Ingreso Abogado],
max(wf.exittime) as [Fec. Salida Abogado] from hsi.itemdata as id
left join hsi.wflog as wf on wf.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem185 as i185 on i185.itemnum = id.itemnum
where statenum = 122 and id.itemtypenum in(266) and id.status= 0
group by id.itemnum,i185.keyvaluechar) as Abogado
on Entrada.itemnum = Abogado.itemnum

left join
select distinct id.itemnum,
i185.keyvaluechar as [Nro tramite],
min(wf.entrytime) as [Fec. Ingreso Depa],
max(wf.exittime) as [Fec. Salida Depa] from hsi.itemdata as id
left join hsi.wflog as wf on wf.itemnum = id.itemnum
left join hsi.keyitem185 as i185 on i185.itemnum = id.itemnum
where statenum = 121 and id.itemtypenum in(266) and id.status= 0
group by id.itemnum,i185.keyvaluechar) as Depa
on Entrada.itemnum = Depa.itemnum
Entrada.Security = ##OB_CURRENTUSER_NAME
order by Entrada.itemnum desc


I see.  If you temporarily replace ##OB_CURRENTUSER_NAME with, say, 'MANAGER', does that cause the query and the dashboard to work and display information for MANAGER?