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Workfow Timer Service - Configuration Migration

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Star Contributor


We recently ran a Configuration Migration from our production environment to create a new Test environment.  There are various things (paths to eforms, etc) that aren't modified by the Configuration Migration, which is fine.  We are working through all the areas.

I went in to change the Workflow Timers to point to our Test environment rather than Prod and magically, they already pointing to our Test ODBC source (using Core Based Workflow Timer Service Administration).

Is this an "expected" result, or am I loosing my mind 😉

We are running OnBase 12.

Steve Williams 



The Workflow Timer Service in OnBase 12 stores all its configuration in configuration files, not in the database; Configuration Migration should not make any changes to it. So on the face of it, this isn't an expected result (I wish it was, it would be a great feature)

But I don't think you're losing your mind...

I suspect that what has happened is that the ODBC datasource configuration on the server running the Workflow Timer Service has been changed to point to the Test environment, but its name has not been changed. The Workflow Timer Service configuration only uses the name of the datasource, so it will show the Test environment queues if that's what the ODBC is pointing to.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor


When the data didn't change, I did suspect that it was stored in config files local to the system the Workflow Timer Service is running on.  However, I could not find any files that had the information.

I looked in (on our system):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\Services\Workflow\ConfigHyland.Applications.Workflow.Timers.Admin.exe.config

C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\Services\Workflow\Service\Hyland.Core.Workflow.NTService.exe.Config

Where is the configuration information stored?

Steve Williams 


I believe the default location for the datasource configuration is  C:\ProgramData\Hyland Software\Hyland.Core.Workflow.NTService.config 

(It was moved from the config file in the same location as the service executable so the datasource configuration wouldn't be overwritten when the Timer Service was upgraded)

That's fantastic!  Thanks very much for the information.

Have a great day.

Steve Williams