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RE: Performance Problems on Disk C: (O/S drive) and CPU Across Various Areas on Web/App OnBase Server

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I am experiencing degrading performance while in and installed OnBase 12 development (Web and App on same VM Ware server - installed on E: logical disk volume).  Running 2 x 2.93Ghz processors, 4GB RAM, SAN Disk, iiS and Net 4.0 (on C: Drive) Oracle 11gR2 running on IBM AIX, MS Office and Hyland software installed on E: along with Oracle 10g client. 

Shows disk queue length spikes along with higher-than-normal raises on various OnBase server-side client install while running Text Search,  And <Admin> <Transaction Logs> <View Messages> <Configuration Log> when paging amongst the result set (4,047 entries) it will hang with the dreaded Hour Glass, spike the disk queue length, and it also drives up the CPU.

What things would I rather look at for troubleshooting these anomalies?  It needs to be resolved ASAP while we are prepping

Thank you,



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Hello Ansley,

I have found the root of this problem.  There is a file under Documents/My Documents called SQL.  OnBase is logging to this file and it has grown to over 2GB in size.  Once we moved it off, then the performance came back to normal.  HOWEVER, the file is recreating itself upon stopping and starting the Hyland Services - DIP, Core, Diags, Workflow.  I would need to do some additional work in order to find out how to eliminate and/or pare this file and/or to set Configuration setting to minimize the impact to the server.

Any additional insight would be greatly appreciated and/or save me additional pain!!!



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Seems to me I heard that you should not run Diagnostics Service. Is that causing the overhead and/or this SQL log file?  I recall a mention of this in class and/or files becoming very large and causing problems.


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I see that SQL Developer process runs when you log into OnBase Configuration, or OnBase Client, etc.  Is there a hook from OnBase to SQL Developer that I need to be aware of? I would like to turn off logging - it's as if there is an auditing of all logons (Config & Client), all click-through functions, etc. at the server level.  How could I turn this logging off and get SQL Developer out of the mix?



What is the actual name of the log file being created? There is an option within the Hyland Diagnostics service that allows you to "log to file" and it may be possible that this is turned on and creating the file. To my knowledge there is no hook that would link OnBase to "SQL Developer" that I am aware of. Have you reached out to Courtview about this issue?


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The file is called SQL.log.  It is being created/updated under the My Documents folder.  I have OnBase Diagnostics service stopped and I still see activity to the log.  It's almost like an audit of all activity against OnBase Config and OnBase Client.  The log file grows quite large due to this and it creates long disk queue lengths and hogs up the CPU (not pegging but well above 50% across 2 CPU's @ 2.93Ghz.).  I reach out to Hyland because of my confidence level with you.  THANKS!