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Question on Multiple Doc Types

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

In Admissions, we have Freshman, Transfer, and Grad.  For each of these, we have College OFFICIAL, College FINAL, High School OFFICIAL, and High School FINAL Transcripts.  But because Freshman, Transfer, and Grad Admissions have different keywords, (for example) do I need 3 doc types for





and likewise for the other types of transcripts? 

If I use just 1 doc type, I don' t think my custom queries will work. 

I think I need to create 3 doc types, but wanted to ask in case I'm missing something obvious.


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

Hi Sue,

I think this can indeed be accomplished with a single document type, but there are a couple of things I can think of that you may want to consider.

One Document Type, with loose keywords

In this scenario, you would create a single document type (transcript). You would then create three additional keywords to help you classify the transcript (for example, applicant type = freshman, transfer, or grad; level = college, or high school; and designation = official, or final).

On the side of your custom query, you would just need to enable the Boolean operator option, and then when your users search, they would search, for example, for applicant type = freshman AND level = high school AND designation = final.

One Document Type, with a keyword type group

In this scenario, you would still create a single document type with the keywords above, but instead of just assigning the raw keywords to the document type, you would first create a keyword type group containing all three, and then assign the keyword type group to the document type.

This would allow you to have one single document in OnBase be stored to represent multiple transcripts. For example, if you have a high school transcript that has college courses on it, you would be able to have keyword values that designate it as both a "final/high school/freshman transcript" AND an "official/college/freshman transcript".

A variance of document types and keywords

You could also use a 'hybrid' option between using a single document type and having 12(?) document types. For example, if your main types of transcripts can be separated into freshman, transfer, and grad, you could create three main document types for each, and then associate two additional keywords (or a keyword type group with two keywords) to denote level and designation.

A couple of things to think about

  • Are there any permission or access requirements around one type of transcript or another? If so, it might be easier to set user group permissions on document types, rather than relying completely on security keywords (though this would definitely also work).
  • I would anticipate that it will be more efficient to at least have more than one document type (even if you broke it out into 3, as above). This way, you are not searching on three different keyword values against a single document type that has an ever-growing number of documents.
  • Are these being used in Workflow? Again, as with the permission question, it may be easier to have a couple of document types, ESPECIALLY if they are going to different lifecycles. While you can absolutely check all three keywords using workflow rules to figure out what queue/lifecycle the doc needs to go to, if there are different document types, you can assign them directly to the appropriate lifecycles.

I hope this helps!


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