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OSEG Community Conversation #2 - OnBase Documentation

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Hello, OSEG members!


    Your Board of Directors has been hard at work in the past month to work on putting together content and exploring subjects with our Hyland representatives that are relevant to our group.  A subject which came up in our recent meetings with Hyland leadership was documentation.  We're about to dive in to some deeper conversations about what the community would like to see (in terms of improvement) and I'd love the opportunity to pass on stories from our membership to help drive those improvements.


OnBase Documentation - Two Levels


    When I think about documentation, I see two different, distinct types of documentation which can be important to us as OnBase administrators, developers, and users:


  1. Official Documentation - this is the sum-total of all Hyland materials available to us.  MRGs, official Community posts, and other content provided by Hyland could all arguably fall under this heading.
  2. Internal / Organizational Documentation - this is documentation that we generate ourselves, perhaps detailing procedures for executing certain Workflow processes, on-boarding a new user, or simply providing comments and explanation of features and functions which are specific to our OnBase implementation.


I think there is opportunity for discussion on both of these topics, and I'd be really interested in seeing what our members have to offer!


    Do you have any success stories or areas where you see opportunity for improvement with Official Documentation from Hyland?  What practices (if any) do you employ in your own organization to help document and track processes, procedures, and comments on your applications?



Join the conversation and post your responses below!  We look forward to hearing from you.


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

 @Jim Perry Any chance you could provide a sample or screen shot of your template?


No one person needs to know everything—they simply need to know who knows it.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Very helpful.  Thank you.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Diane Johnson, you hit the nail on the head. There is very little resource available on the internet to find quick answers to any OnBase related questions. Nothing much turns up in the search on the world wide web for OnBase except what is put out by some third party Higher Educational institutions as resource for their college. The training videos are good but they don't address every type of situation you run into at work. Also, the OnBase support is awfully slow in responding to requests. These days it takes 5-6 days for them to assign it to a cloud support analyst. During that long wait, you are left hanging or look to your means. The MRGs are not great and most don't even have a section that answers common issues encountered and how to troubleshoot them. 

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

@Vinod Malachi your experience was, unfortunately, a pretty common reoccurring story during our last discussion with the Hyland documentation team and the various user group directors.  We should be having our second call with them in the coming weeks and I look forward to hearing what plans have been made and actions taken since our last discussion to help mitigate (or, hopefully, eliminate) some or all of those challenges.


We're going to un-sticky this post to keep the top of the forums fresh with the latest discussion topics, but I will update our group as soon as possible once that conversation takes place!  I'm cautiously optimistic at this point.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

I like to type up what I've learned, and sort it into folders on my network drive, so I can refer to it. 

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