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onbase has ended every morning

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Hello, am currently running Onbase vers and just recently its not up when I get in first thing in the morning.  i am attaching the event log and was curious as to what would be making it crash and have to be restarted daily.

Any help would be appreciated.

Database Error encountered:
Native Error: 0 (0x00000000)
SQL State: [08S01]
SQL Error: [[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]Communication link failure]
SQL: [Select hsi.useraccount.usernum, hsi.useraccount.username, hsi.useraccount.defaultdate, hsi.useraccount.disablelogin, hsi.useraccount.institution, hsi.useraccount.mainframeupdate, hsi.useraccount.networkid, hsi.useraccount.obrefresh, hsi.useraccount.usercode, hsi.useraccount.userpassword, hsi.useraccount.userpref1, hsi.useraccount.userpref2, hsi.useraccount.autodisplaywin, hsi.useraccount.helpwindowtype, hsi.useraccount.helpwindowloc, hsi.useraccount.badlogincount, hsi.useraccount.encryptedpassword, hsi.useraccount.lastlogon, hsi.useraccount.lastpwchange, hsi.useraccount.defprintformatnum, hsi.useraccount.realname, hsi.useraccount.licenseflag, hsi.useraccount.longusercode, hsi.useraccount.longpassword, hsi.useraccount.primaryusergroup, hsi.useraccount.userpref3, hsi.useraccount.defprocessdate, hsi.useraccount.qapercent, hsi.useraccount.emailaddress, hsi.useraccount.phonenumber, hsi.useraccount.cellnumber, hsi.useraccount.lockouttime, hsi.useraccount.lockoutreason, hsi.useraccount.usertype, hsi.useraccount.pinhash, hsi.useraccount.pinlastchanged, hsi.useraccount.pinlastentered, hsi.useraccount.badpincount From hsi.useraccount Where hsi.useraccount.usernum = 115 ]
Source File: []
Line Number: 9657
Function Call: [::SQLExecute( m_hStatement )]
Software Build: []


Jim Costanzo



Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

The error you're seeing indicates that it lost connection to the database. With the OnBase thick client, if connection is lost, the client will close after 60 seconds. I'd suggest checking what's happening on the database server overnight. Is there a scheduled reboot? Are you performing a major backup or other maintenance process that might render it unavailable? Is the SQL Server service being restarted?


Hi Jim,

Thank you for posting on the Community.

Based on your error message it appears that the Client is losing connection to the database for some reason. Once a database connection is lost the process will stop and must be restarted.


I would recommend checking internally to see if someone recently created a maintenance plan or something similar that occurs overnight that takes the database offline. If that is not the case then you may need to work with your network admin to determine if there are any network issues occurring during this time.

Windows Event Viewer should give you more information as far as the time the error occurs and you should be able to determine if it happens at the same time every night(scheduled maintenance) or randomly (network issues)

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Thank you for answering.  The network guys change the backup and excluded the box for onbase and it was up in the morning.  That seems to have solved the issue. They intend on testing and finding a solution.  I appreciate you getting back to me.