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DocPop checksum creation client side Java

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

A Question regarding creating DocPop CheckSum on the client side, It is mentioned in the Hyland SDK document that Onbase provides “Hyland.Applications.Web.Security.dll” file and exposes two public methods, and the client would  use one of them to create URL’s   with checksum values. Since we use java here at for our application, I was wondering if there’s a java equivalent of the dll file that we could use to create docPop URL’s with checkSum?


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

This question has been answered by API support team and below is the answer

Currently, we only have the .NET DLL that is available for Hyland.Applications.Web.Security, so if you wish to use this in a Java application, you will either need to use this DLL in a Web Service application, and call out to this Web Service application from your Java application, or use a third party utility to enable referencing of .NET DLLs in Java.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

How to generate a URL with a valid checksum in Java? Since the above is from 2014 I am wondering if anything has changed ? Like could we call a API endpoint to generate the checksum for us ? if there is a straightforward way of doing this in java without using the API that is direction I would like to go.