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Complete OnBase Database Documentation

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Good afternoon,

My name is Brendan and I'm a business intelligence analyst. I'm having trouble finding the full documentation on the OnBase database tables. The MRG I'm using is for Foundation EP2, but it lacks details in regards to a lot of the tables I use.

For example, there's little mention of the 'notetable' and I can't find information for the 'status' field. 

Could someone point in the the right direction to where I could find more information on the database tables?

Thank you!


Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Did you check the Database Reference Guide?

Since this is the reference table for where notes are stored, it should be relatively easy to figure out what most columns are, you can also tell a lot by viewing the data in your flavor of SQL tool (select * in a dev/test environment).

We are Oracle so I used Toad to describe the object. I do wish vendors would include column comments more to help us understand what the various columns are tracking, especially statuses. That's just something you have to learn as you go 😉

I would say the "notable" columns are:

notenum - unique ID for each note



notetypenum =

itemnum = itemdata.itemnum aka doc handle

itemtypenum = intemtype.itemtypenum aka the doc type

entrydate = date note created

usernum = useraccount.usernum of user who created the note


Regarding status, in our system the only value is 0, I'm going to venture a guess other statuses would be deleted notes but not sure.

Yup, that's the MRG I was referring to. It seems to only cover a few of the many tables that are actually in the database though. 

The 'notetable' is only one of the many tables I need more info on.

For example, one report I made was to track how frequently dashboards were being used and by who. The MRG doesn't cover the dashboard tables at all. The dashboard tables use vague field names such as 'extrainfo1' or 'extrainfo2', which mean different things depending on the table. It took me awhile to find out that 'extrainfo2' in the 'rptdptransactionlog' table was actually the 'dashboardnum' in the 'dashboardinfo' table (when 'subactionnum' = 18 AND 'extrainfo1' = 0 in the 'rptdptransactionlog' table).

Agree, I would love to see a database dictionary in each MRG that covers the basic tables for the specific module it covers. 


Jonna, this sounds like a great suggestion to post as an Idea: