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Forum Posts

Resolved! Duplicate accounts in Configuration/Users

I've found two accounts that have duplicate entries.  The user IDs are identical, except for a "2" added to the duplicate account.  All the settings and User Groups are identical.  The AD settings for the two users are fine, and comparisons with othe...

Activate a System Task via Api

Good Afternoon -  Is it possible to activate a System Task via the API? I can see that there's something for workflow ad hoc tasks, which require the queue in order for the task to execute. However, what I'm looking for is a task that is a System Tas...

Resolved! How to Generate Docpop Checksums in Unity API v18

I'm not able to find documentation on how to create the checksum in the current version of the API? On previous versions of the API documentation, this assembly is required (Hyland.Applications.Web.Security.dll) and a class ChecksumCreator can be use...

Unity Script - select all MIKG keysets

Apologies for any botched verbiage or articulation here.  User has desire for a "select all" MIKG keysets button that would add all the keysets to a table on a unity form, as opposed to having to click "add" then click "select" for every keyset in th...

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