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AirWatch support?

Hi!I have a prospect that uses AirWatch to access their corporate network and also publish applications. OnBase support AirWatch? Do you know any OnBase usage of this platform?The need is to use OnBase Mobile Solutions.Thanks!pf


Hi Pierre-Francois,

Thanks for the post.

At this time, OnBase does not have any specific support for Mobile Device Management (MDM) software.  You can read more in this post (link).

Take care.

Adam can you please re-post link? Current link: "Unfortunately, the page you've requested no longer exists. Please use the search form above to locate the information you're interested in."

Hi Tiffany,

Sorry about the broken link. While I'm not certain which post it was referring, OnBase now has support for MDMs with OnBase. You can reference more information here:

Take care.

Hi Adam,

The link above seems to be related to Apple Devices, is there any known way to push down to the Android device?

We have a user case where there is in excess of 300 Android devices and the users aren't always the most technical people and might get the URL wrong (as we are changing URLs due to upgrading versions and adding a load balancer in the middle at the same time).

Also the same client is looking to refresh their devices in the next 12 months and obviously won't want to have to manually type the URLs twice in one year, as more than likely the non technical users will form a line outside our small technical support team office or the local IT department (who actually control the Airwatch MDM).