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Is there a way to set a keyword type for a DocType?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise


 We are new to OnBase, in fact we have not even gone live yet, but we are working on it.  We will be using Front Office Scan for our front window customer contact points.  My question is this:  when a document is scanned into OnBase using FOS and is assigned a Document Type is there a way to set a keyword type for that Document Type?  For example, Doctype “Application” has at least 4 application types.  As it is, we are just capturing the Doctype “Application”, but not what type of Application it is.  Is it possible to capture the type in Front Office scan?

 I have read through the MRG and did not see anything that addressed this.

 Thanks in advance.





Hi Leslie,

If you are asking if a single Keyword Type that is part of the Document Type can be assigned a value, which as you say can be one of four application types, then yes. That is one of the basic functions of Front Office Scanning. You would configure a dataset that includes that keyword type and that value would be filled in either with an imported XML dataset file, scraped values from App Enabler, or by creating a new dataset on the fly and filling in the values through the user interface.

If you are asking if a Keyword Type (not the value, but the type itself) can be dynamically assigned to a Document Type through FOS, then no. The Keyword Types that belong to a Document Type are configured in the Configuration Client and would be static from the viewpoint of client applications like FOS.

If there is some other option for which you are looking, could you provide a more specific example to clarify your intention a bit more? Thanks!

Hope this helps,


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Hi Tommy,

Thanks for the quick reply.   Let me try to describe what we have in the works.  We will be using FOS to scan in many different doctypes and most of these doctypes have subset keyword types. This is how we were instructed to configure our doctypes.  So, the doctype “Application” has application types “Name A”, “Name B”, “Name C”.  Another doctype “Correspondence” has about a dozen+ correspondence types. There is a doctype “Motion” with eleven motion types.

The dataset that is currently set up is capturing only one scraped keyword, which is case number.

So, in the case of the “Correspondence” doctype would we be able assign a specific correspondence type using FOS?  Or does this fall into the NO section of your reply?

 Thanks again!




I believe there are two issues here:

First, to use your example, the "Application" document type should have a Keyword Type called "Application Type". You would then fill in this Keyword Type with values "Name A" or "Name B" or "Name C". You would NOT create three keyword types called Name A, Name B, Name C and fill in the respective value with something indicating the type and leaving the other type fields empty. The Keyword Types do not work as a "check box" style system.

For the "Correspondence" Doc Type, you would have a "Correspondence Type" Keyword Type and then you would fill in that field with one of the dozen+ potential values that apply to each document.

Secondly, the set up you describe may not work with FOS. FOS was designed so that each Document Type used with FOS each contain the same set of Keyword Types. It's not to say your set up would not work where each Document Type has a unique Keyword Type, but the Keyword Types displayed on the screen and included in the Datasets would be the total set of all Keyword Types across each Document Type. The UI will not adjust the displayed keyword types depending on which Document Type is chosen for the document.

For example, you scan in a document that will be assigned to the "Application" document type and fill in the "Application Type" Keyword Type, but on the screen you will still see the "Correspondence Type" and "Motion Type" keyword fields on the screen as those belong to the "Correspondence" and "Motion" Document Types, respectively. Although, when you upload the "Application" document, only the "Application Type" keyword will be stored with the document as that is the only applicable keyword type.

Also, if you are already recording a "Case Number" keyword across each Document Type (i.e. each of the three document types have the Keyword Type "Case Number"), you could configure FOS to only display the Case Number keyword type in the UI, and have an auto-fill keyword set that populates the respective "Type" Keyword Type depending on the document type once the document is uploaded.

If you are still unsure if these explanations satisfy your requirements, I highly encourage you to contact your first line of support and they can give you more personal attention for your particular situation.

