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Where is WorkView data/records stored?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

I'm setting up WorkView for the first time and having a hard time understanding where the data is stored. I understand the Systems Paths for the Style Sheet, Resources and Backup path... but once I've created an application and start entering data...where is that data stored?

Thanks for any help.


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Information for Workview objects is stored in tables such as hsi.rmobjectinstance{ClassID} (WV equivalent to itemdata) and most tables start with rm if I am not mistaken. The database reporting guide has a section for basic Workview tables that may help you get started, you can find it here:

View answer in original post


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Information for Workview objects is stored in tables such as hsi.rmobjectinstance{ClassID} (WV equivalent to itemdata) and most tables start with rm if I am not mistaken. The database reporting guide has a section for basic Workview tables that may help you get started, you can find it here:

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Here is a list of general-use Workview queries.  The class ID is found by selecting the class in Studio and looking in the upper right corner of the Properties pane.  Attribute numbers are in the attribute tab of the same pane.  Columns with ATTR prefix are native to that class, and columns with FK prefix are foreign keys, i.e. they came from another class via a LinkTo.

-- WV Classes by Application


, trim(rmapp.rmapplicationname)

, rmc.classid

, trim(rmc.classname)

FROM hsi.rmclass rmc

JOIN hsi.rmapplicationclasses rmac ON rmac.classid = rmc.classid

JOIN hsi.rmapplication rmapp ON rmapp.rmapplicationid = rmac.rmapplicationid

order by 2, 3


-- WV Attributes by Class


rmapp.rmapplicationid AppID

, trim(rmapp.rmapplicationname) AppName

, rmc.classid ClassID

, trim(rmc.classname) ClassName

, rmatt.attributeID AttributeID

, trim(rmatt.AttributeName) AttributeName

, CASE rmatt.datatype

WHEN 1 THEN 'Integer'

WHEN 2 THEN 'Currency'

WHEN 3 THEN 'Floating Point'

WHEN 4 THEN 'Date'

WHEN 5 THEN 'Date/Time'

WHEN 6 THEN 'Alphanumeric'

WHEN 7 THEN 'Text'

WHEN 8 THEN 'Relationship'

else 'Other' end DataType

FROM hsi.rmclass rmc

JOIN hsi.rmapplicationclasses rmac ON rmac.classid = rmc.classid

JOIN hsi.rmapplication rmapp ON rmapp.rmapplicationid = rmac.rmapplicationid

JOIN hsi.rmclassattributes rmca ON rmca.classid = rmc.classid

JOIN hsi.rmattribute rmatt ON rmatt.attributeid = rmca.attributeid

ORDER BY 2, 4, 6


-- basic info about a workview object (name, ID, createdate)

SELECT --rmobjectid, rmobjectname

* FROM hsi.rmobject WHERE objectid = '2918766' -- analogous to the itemdata table


-- find all attributes (analogous to keywords) on a workview object

SELECT * FROM hsi.rmobjectinstance1047 -- enter the classID - analogous to the hsi.keyitem### tables

WHERE objectid = '2918766'


--WFLOG of WV objects with attribute values (example)


wf.itemnum AS DocHandle,

rm1050.attr1670 AS "MIHP ID",

trim(rm1050.attr1671) AS "First Name",

trim(rm1050.attr1672) AS "Last Name",

rm1050.attr1673 AS "Medicaid ID",

rm1046.attr1485 AS "Provider ID",

trim(rm1046.attr1486) as "Provider Name",

rm1050.attr1510 AS "Prov Doc Uploaded",

rm1050.attr1511 AS "Referral Type",

trim(rm.rmobjectname) AS "WV Item Name",

wf.lcnum AS LCNUM,

trim(lc.lifecyclename) AS LCName,

wf.statenum AS QNum,  

trim(lcs.statename) AS QName,

to_CHAR(wf.entrytime, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH:MI:SS') AS EntryTime,

to_CHAR(wf.exittime, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH:MI:SS') AS ExitTime,

wf.statenumto AS StateNumTo,

trim(ua.username) AS UserName

FROM hsi.wflog wf

left outer join hsi.rmobject rm on rm.objectid = wf.itemnum

LEFT OUTER JOIN hsi.lcstate lcs ON lcs.statenum = wf.statenum

LEFT OUTER JOIN hsi.lifecycle lc ON lc.lcnum = lcs.SCOPE

LEFT OUTER JOIN hsi.useraccount ua ON ua.usernum = wf.usernum

LEFT OUTER JOIN hsi.rmobjectinstance1050 rm1050 ON rm1050.objectid = wf.itemnum --rmobjectinstance1050 is the memberenrollment class ID

LEFT OUTER JOIN HSI.rmobjectinstance1046 rm1046 on rm1046.objectid = rm1050.fk1509

WHERE wf.wfcontenttype = 3 -- type denotes WV objects in WF

AND wf.contentclassnum = 1050 -- Class # in studio for MIHP Enrollment objects sent to WF

-- AND wf.itemnum = '120245' -- filter by WV objectnum

-- AND rm1050.attr1670 = '744' -- filter by MIHP_ID



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