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Waiting for Lock

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

I keep getting the following message when I close Config.  Started this week.  Please advise.


'Waiting for Lock from user (me) at workstation (my computer) for disk group System[101].'


Certainly, when I run the Fix WorkView Indices utility it starts then states its waiting for a Lock on my obsysfiles[101] disk group, similary when attempting to run the Migrate Committed Scan Batches. While this is message is displayed there are no process locks listed in the client.


Hi @Garrett Weber ,


I was able to recreate the behavior you are seeing.  It appears the reason is because you have a Disk Group lock on your System Disk Group.   When running through Config | Utils | Upgrade Data | Fix WorkView Indexes , upon completion, it writes a System Report to the System Disk Group.  If the System Disk Group is locked for some reason, then you get the error.




Here is a query to see more about the locked Disk Group ...


SELECT 	lk.producttype,	ps.productname,	lk.registernum,	ru.registername,	lk.keynum,	dg.diskgroupname,	lk.usernum,	ua.username,	lk.locktimeFROM hsi.lockkeys lkJOIN hsi.registeredusers ru ON ru.registernum = lk.registernumJOIN hsi.diskgroup dg ON dg.diskgroupnum = lk.keynumJOIN hsi.useraccount ua ON ua.usernum = lk.usernumJOIN hsi.productsold ps ON ps.producttype = lk.producttypeWHERE lk.keykeytype = 64


To fix the issue, remove the Disk Group lock.


Take care.


I ran the script there is no results on the query. I'm guessing this is going to be a FLOS situation?

Hi @Garrett Weber ,


If you encounter the error and then you ran the script only to find no rows, then you'll have to call into your first line of support for assistance.  


Take care.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

When I am trying to scan the document from OnBase Thick Client V22.1.15, I am getting 'Waiting for Lock from user (me) at workstation (my computer) for disk group Scan[147].' error.  Thick Client V17.0.2 works perfectly. I did not found any lock in admin utility or the SQL query.