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SQL Query to track workflow licences

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

I have downloaded the most recent Database Reporting Guide (although the date says 2004).  I see in the appendix for Securitylog that License Overage is actionnum 1, subaction 8.  But when I query my data for actionnum 1, I don't get any license overages (we have had some), and I see subaction values that aren't listed in the MRG.  We don't own Report Services, but are pretty good with SQL queries.  What is the best way for me to monitor our license useage (and overages)?

Thanks.  Patty


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ


One query that shows average and maximum use of each license type from the license usage and product SQL database tables for a time period (we use a calendar month):

select datepart(year,LU1.logdate) as 'Year', datepart(month,LU1.logdate) as 'Month',

PS1.productname as 'Product License', LU1.producttype as 'Product ID',

avg(LU1.usagecount) as 'Avg License Use', max(LU1.usagecount) as 'Max License Use', PS1.numcopieslic as 'Owned Licenses'

from hsi.licusage LU1

join hsi.productsold PS1 on LU1.producttype = PS1.producttype

group by datepart(year,LU1.logdate), datepart(month,LU1.logdate), PS1.productname, LU1.producttype, PS1.numcopieslic

order by datepart(year,LU1.logdate), datepart(month,LU1.logdate), PS1.productname, LU1.producttype, PS1.numcopieslic

Note, the Owned Licenses is a current count of licenses owned, and may be misleading as displayed here for prior time periods.  We store historical counts of licenses owned in a spreadsheet to reference as needed. 

Thanks, Rodger! That was exactly what I needed.

After I ran the report, I find we are underutilizing our Named User licenses. But I go to (thick) client, Admin, User Management, Workstation Registration, and don't see "Named User Client". Does it go by another name in Workstation Registration? Or am I in the wrong place? I searched Named License in Config and SysAdmin MRGs and didn't find what I needed.

Thanks. Patty


Workstation Registration is where you assign a license to a particular machine (e.g. DIP). A Named User license is assigned to a specific user and only used when that user is logged in.

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