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Revisions, Renditions, and DefaultDataProviders...

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I'm trying to make sure I'm understanding the definitions of renditions and revisions and to verify I'm understanding the ImageDataProvider, DefaultDataProvider, and PDFDataProvider.Revisions - these are alterations to an existing document. So they may import a document and save it, then later alter it and resave it. Each of these is a Revision correct? A document can be configured to now allow multiple, in which case there is only ever one.Rendition - These are a version (Revision???) of a file saved as a different file format. Would this be PDF's, images, etc?XYZDataProvider - Converts a rendition from the saved file format to the format of the DataProvider? I've noticed that when I call DefaultDataProvider.GetDocument on a file that is a pdf, it returns immediately from the call and takes a while writing the file. Where if I call DefaultDataProvider.GetDocument and only a .tif file exists, it will time out if the file is too big as it waits on that result too long (where the pdf doesn't, so has never timed out for me.) So I'm trying to make sure I'm understanding these terms and what the objects do.Thanks for the assistance!Chad

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

As mentioned above, the Properties like the CompressionQuality would be available in OnBase14 and above.  The example above would most definitely change the size of the file, the question is by how much though.  That is something that will very per system.  As far as the time it takes to complete the request, I am not sure if this would solve your problem.  As I mentioned, there shouldn't be a reason why a request should take 100+ seconds and I would advise looking into that further off the forums, as specific information on the system will be needed.  In addition, your first line of support can dial-in and assist with troubleshooting as well as looking into Diagnostics Logs to see exactly how long Service request to the AppServer are taking.