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Rename OnBase User accounts

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Here is our situation:

We would like to do AD Integration...we have several hundred OnBase user accounts with a username of First Initial Last Name...i.e...JSMITH.

Our Active Directory user accounts log in the network with a loginID of a string that only means something to us  i.e...T17394

So...employee John Smith is JSMITH in OnBase and T17394 in AD

We want everyone to login to OnBase with the string of Txxxxx.

So we were thinking...before we enable AD Integration change all OnBase usernames to the appropriate Txxxxx string.

can we do a bulk change of usernames for OnBase accounts w/out causing to much uphevial in the system...if we have an import file with the right fields can we update users accounts in this change the username from JSMITH to T17394?

Any insight is appreciated...








Hi Greg,

Thanks for the question!  We do not have the ability to do a bulk rename of useraccount names in OnBase.  The only way that I can think of doing this would be through the database.  If this is something you are interested, you will need to contact your first line of support to engage services for the update. 

We do have an option which will tell OnBase to look at a different Active Directory user attribute when attempting to login.  By default, OnBase will use the sAMAccountName attribute to authenticate the users in AD.  However, it is possible for OnBase to use a different attribute if you have one that maps the way that you would like.  For example, in OnBase, a user’s account user name is JSMITH, but in Windows the user logs in as ahdme001 and has the Active Directory displayName attribute set to JSMITH. In order for this user to successfully log in to OnBase using auto-logon, the Active Directory Username Mapping Attribute must be set to displayName. With this configuration, the user logs on to Windows as ahdme001 but is authenticated in OnBase under the JSMITH user account.  You can find more information about this setting in the Network Security MRG under the Active Directory Username Mapping Attribute section.

 Take care.