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Is Distribution Service supported in OnBase 19 (Foundations)?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Several months ago I completed the OnBase System Administrator course, and I recalled the instructor informing us that as of OnBase v19 (Foundations) notifications would no longer be sent through the Hyland Distribution Windows service. I may have misunderstood, and looking into it now it appears that what she was referring to was Workflow Timers being migrated to Unity Scheduler, but I wanted to ask here to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I am expecting to upgrade from 18 to 19 in a couple of weeks.

Thank you!



Prior to OnBase Foundation EP1 the Distribution Service was a separate Windows Service, with its own installer. The Distribution Service Windows Service was responsible for executing the configured Distribution Service Tasks, according to the configured schedule.

The Unity Scheduler is a general-purpose Scheduler that can execute many different types of scheduled task, including Workflow Timers and Unity Scripts.

Beginning with OnBase Foundation EP1, a Unity Scheduler Distribution Service Task Type was added. So instead of being executed by a separate Windows Service, Distribution Service Tasks are scheduled and executed by the Unity Scheduler.

The screenshot below shows a number of the available Task Types, including the Email Sending Task Type,  which is the Distribution Service Task Type.

(The  exact Task Types available depend on which Products are licensed)


Details of the Distribution Service Unity Scheduler Task may be found in the Unity Scheduler Module Reference Guide (MRG). The Foundation EP1 Unity Scheduler MRG may be found here:


View answer in original post


Just FYI, for version 18, the Distribution Service's polling period is set directly (number of minutes) in Config (Utils - Distribution Service), in case anyone finds this thread and is wondering.


Thanks for the clarification: I couldn't remember exactly how the standalone Distribution Service's polling interval was configured, and didn't have a pre-Foundation OnBase Configuration to hand when I wrote my comment.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Thank you Paul! This is extremely helpful. I will review the MRG and start working to get this implemented.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

HI Paul - We're in the process of migrating from OnBase 18 to Foundation EP3 (IPUP, so both environments are up). Is there anything special required to migrate an existing Distribution Service configuration over to the Unity Scheduler Email tasks. I'm having a tough time finding anything in the EP3 MRG's (either distribution service or unity scheduler).  I even had to do a repair install of the Unity Scheduler (x64) to even get the Email Task to show up as a configurable item.




Ken Piper