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IDs across environments - DocType, UnityForm, etc

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

hello folks,
finally, my first question!

but firstly, pls pardon me as i am new to OnBase (though experienced with other products)

now, i encountered what I believe is an Application Enabler XML configuration file. it begins as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<DOCUMENT version="">
<SETTINGS StartUpInCaptureMode="-1" StartUpMinimized="0" AddIconToSystemTray="-1" LaunchAEToolbarOnStart="-1" RemoveFromTaskBar="0" RemoveExitFromSysTray="0" LockUserOptions="-1" ApplyDefaultTimers="0" TextSelectionDelay="0" ScreenSelectionDelay="0" CopyToClipboardDelay="1500" ScreenTabbingDelay="500" PollingInterval="10" UseGetMsgHook="0" CaptionButtonHook="0" UseEnhancedHTMLProcess="0" PreProcessScriptsLocation="" AppServerMode="-1" DesktopMode="0" ClientMode="0" SilentMode="0" LiveMode="0"/>

Now, further down, there is a tag <DOCTYPE and it includes, among others an ID param.
And what I have discovered is that there are 2 versions of this XML, viz. one for Test Env, another for Prod env.
And the values of the ID is different between TST and PRD.
And I see similar differences (that sounds weird) for other tags like <UNITYFORM>

Here comes the question ...
Is this the normal practice for OnBase implementations?

Now, in this particular XML file, the IDs appear to be sequential numbers. Yes, I believe using a more descriptive ID is better. But the essence of the question is, is it best practice to keep it different? (eg. 160 vs 165; t_FeedbackForm vs p_FeedbackForm)
or to keep it same in both environments? eg. uForm_Feedback

Thanx & Rgds,

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