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Connect using Domain Authentication

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

How does domain authentication work with Hyland.Services? It seems like I would need to pass the username and password in, which I wouldn't (and shouldn't) know if it's being handled by the domain. I tried using the exact code from the SDK code sample for domain authentication, but I just get an error:

Authentication Failed for user '' on Datasource 'OnBaseDev'.

This makes me believe it's either not possible (unlikely, since the example is there!) or I have something set up wrong. I only just set up the LDAP integration last week but I'm able to log in to the thick client and web client without providing my username/password (using the -AL switch), so it seems to be working from that side of things.

Any ideas?


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Hi Robert,

What version of OnBase are you using?  Is the Hyland.Services virtual directory that your application is connecting to configured for Windows authentication instead of Anonymous Access?  Is you application pointing directly to the Hyland.Services application or to the Web Client's Service.asmx?

Also to verify, here are the parameters that are set on the IRequest for NT Authentication/

request.AddParameter("datasource", "<Name of your datasource>");

request.AddParameter("authenticationAgent", "DOMAIN");


Ian Cordova

Custom Solutions Group, Team Lead

Thanks for the questions... wow, I deserve a slap on the wrist for not even mentioning what version we're on, sorry! Some more information for you...

We're running OnBase version

I had the parameters set up in the way you suggest, but it wasn't passing any userID in, so authentication was always failing.

However, the appserver was set up for Anonymous Access! After I switched that over to Windows authentication, all is right with the world.

Thanks for your help!


I'm hoping you can answer a followup question. The LDAP integration is working now and the Connect request works. However, it always authenticates as the user currently logged in to the server... so if this is me running the server on my local system, anyone who connects to the site and triggers the Connect request just authenticates as me.

Is this by design? Our end goal is to authenticate a user in a non-interactive way and query OnBase as that user so that we only return the documents they should be able to see (driven by security keywords, user groups, etc). Is this possible with either Hyland.Services or Unity?

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

Just a couple questions come to mind:

  1. Is you application an EXE or Web site?
  2. If EXE does it run as a service or launched by user?
  3. If Web site, do you have Windows Authentication turned on on you application that is making calls to Hyland?
  4. Do you have your APPSERVER site setup for Windows Authentication or Impersonation or Annonymous?