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Hyland DataTransfer - Imcomplete job status

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

We have a situation that has occurred for quite a few years now.  I've been in contact with Support a couple of times and tried to work through the problem with our IT dept and haven't found a solution, so I wanted to reach out to the DataTransfer Community to see if anybody else has experienced this.  When we have an auto-job/Recurring job configured to pick up XML files from a network share and process the job within DataTransfer, the job will go to an INCOMPLETE status if multiple files have been sent at the same time.  However, the job has actually processed successfully in our SIS (Banner).  There is a connection back and forth between DataTransfer and Banner where it's sending the information, Banner is accepting it and then should send back a token to complete the transfer.   What is happening, or what has been explained, is that the network connection to complete the process is being dropped.  When a lot of jobs are being sent through at the same time and DataTransfer is processing those or one right after the other, what we think is happening is that Banner is going into a protective mode (like a DoS attack of sorts?) and stops responding which means it doesn't send back the response to 'complete' the job process.  Then those jobs sit in the Active Dashboard as Incomplete.  We have to manually hit the run button on the Dashboard to get them to complete the process and clear out.  I've run into dead ends on our IT side with our DBA team and Networking to find a solution.  Has anybody else experienced this or have any suggestions on what to check?  This only happens with Recurring jobs and not every time, just when a lot of files have been sent - or DataTransfer picks up multiple jobs to run at the same time.


Hyland Support:  "PDT logs suggested that connection pools that were in use were dropping or becoming stale, and wireshark logs showed packet loss during higher traffic."


**Edited:  We are currently on version Hyland DataTransfer version 7.0.1_b1555**




Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Did Hyland say if there was a way to turn off connection pooling? Or let it settle down to 0 active connections after a specified amount of time? 


We have the same problem. I've unfortunately been logging in every morning and restarting jobs for years. I think it's because longstanding connections to the database are getting killed by a firewall or something, but we're hosted and it's not something I have a lot of control over. I'd love to hear if you find a solution. 

@Henson Sturgill, I do not remember them discussing connection pooling with me.  Is it a setting in the file?  However, I also see you say you have the same problem, so it must not be.  I'll research more on this subject and see if I can find anything. 


Thank you!


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Hello - I unfortunately don't have any answers/fix but wanted to share that we too have run into the issue you've described. In fact, I looked at our DataTransfer dashboard just now and saw we had one sitting there as incomplete to confirm. We also clear those out by resetting/running them again.

 Thank you for letting me know you've seen this behavior also.  It just makes me look back to it being DataTransfer and not our internal systems, but I'll keep researching, @Luisa Urbina.


Could we possibly get some feedback from the Hyland owner for DataTransfer?




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