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The OnBase Server Updater allows you to update to a service pack or a service release quickly, minimizing downtime while applying the latest security, stability and performance fixes. If you are new to Server Updater, the Server Updater quick reference guide provides great information on the features and functionality. You will find the guide in the Zip file.


This week we release an update for the Server Updater ( with corrections and enhancements. Server Updater is backwards compatible with all supported OnBase releases.

Additions and Corrections

A new feature analyzes the .config file and automatically updates the assemblyBinding references to be accurate for the patch applied to the web application or Windows Service. In addition, there is an option to be more aggressive in deleting temporary files after an update completes. This is helpful when updating multiple different OnBase modules on a single Windows Server conserving hard drive space.


Multiple quality of life corrections are also in this release. During the restore process, Server Updater will ensure that backup appropriately matches what is installed to prevent accidentally restoring identically named applications. Log messages were corrected for consistency and overall better indication of progress. Finally a rare win32 copy error was corrected.

How to Download

Download links are provided on the consolidated download page for Server Updater and the Update Packages.

Which Modules Support Updates?

The Server Updater is compatible the following web application modules:

  1. Application Server (x86, x64)
  2. Web Server
  3. Agenda Online (EP3+)
  4. Connector for SAP ArchiveLink (EP3+)
  5. DeficiencyPop
  6. Dashboard Viewer
  7. Electronic Plan Review (EP3+)
  8. External Access Client
  9. Gateway Caching Server
  10. Healthcare Form Manager (EP3+)
  11. Message Broker Dashboard (EP3+)
  12. Message Broker Dashboard API (EP3+)
  13. Mobile Broker
  14. Office Online Server (version 18 only)
  15. OnBase Patient Window
  16. Public Access (generation 1 & 2) (EP3+)
  17. Public Access Server (generation 3) (EP3+)

The Server Updater is compatible the following Windows Service modules:

  1. Diagnostics Service
  2. Document Tracking Service
  3. Full-Text Server
  4. Full-Text Service
  5. Mailbox Importer
  6. ShareBase Monitor
  7. Unity Scheduler (x86 and x64)


Think you found a bug? is better and newer, though your server configuration could be different than the ones we tested. If you think you found a bug, please report it through Community so that we can investigate. We appreciate your feedback. Now what are you waiting for? Go update, Frustration Free style!