Right-o, does anybody have any pointers on getting a custom SSL certificate to work holistically throughout an Alfresco installation? So far, I can:
1.) Get either a self-signed cert or a valid wildcard cert to install on Tomcat… yay. BUT: once I do this, it breaks both Jetty (for Sharepoint integration) and SOLR (for search, dashlet rendering, etc). I have minimized that effect by moving to Lucene in this test case, but Sharepoint refuses to work, specifically with the dreaded "Server could not be contacted" message; browsing to https://alfresco.xxx.com:7070 goes nowhere… so it seems Jetty just hangs up. To do this, I've used:
1.) A custom keystore (not the Alfresco defaults); 2.) Added a connector on 8443 in /tomcat/conf/server.xml, pointing to the custom keystore; 3.) Modified the endpoints in /tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/share-config-custom.xml to point to https:// and :8443; 4.) Modified Jetty in /tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.vti/context/vti-context.xml to use the new keystore location, the new keypassword and password (using the default "changeit" to avoid typos), and a keystore type of JKS as specified in ./keytool commands; 5.) And added the following to alfresco-global.properties to tie it all together:
7.) I have tried this both on 4.2.c as well as the 4.2.d nightly, which I'm leaning towards as I understand there are a few Jetty bugs/issues in 4.2.c from the JIRA. Same results on both, however.
As I mentioned, this gets HTTPS working pretty well. I get my certificate served up and trusted, the application generally functions, but I must be missing something, because SOLR and Jetty just WILL NOT PLAY WELL. I can post up log info, but the broken SOLR is jamming up the logs extensively, so before doing large and possibly unhelpful dumps, does anyone have a sense of what could be broken given the above, or know of a more comprehensive walkthrough a la http://www.optimit.hr/blog/-/blogs/alfresco-https-setup, which I found to be more complete/helpful than the Alfresco and Tomcat documentation in getting this far?
Your config sounds very similar. I'm just debugging some SSO since I got SSL going, and specifically with the 1 login popup opening Sharepoint over SSL now.