It's possible to connect the ios client to another repository different from alfresco?
I'm running an apache chemistry opencmis and I'm trying to see the documents in the ios client (Fresh docs with an ipad). When creating a new account, there's an option to select the vendor (Alfresco/Other), but I have been testing it and doesn't seem to work.
It's not possible to connect the Alfresco iOS app to any other repository other than an Alfresco server.
The FreshDocs app should connect to other servers though via CMIS as far as I know, you will need to contact Zia Consulting regarding issues with the FreshDocs app though.
I'm using FreshDocs, but it seems something doesn't work well in the application when connecting other CMIS repositories. Where can I contact Zia Consulting?
The following page has a contact us form and there is a main "contact us" at the bottom of the page you could try. Alternatively check their description on the AppStore, there may be a link on there.