07-21-2020 05:56 PM
I'm testing the best method to install Drive. My first test had the exe variable of /TARGETUSERNAME="username" I wanted to test using the example of /TARGETUSERNAME="foo" used in this documentation: https://doc.nuxeo.com/client-apps/how-to-manually-initialize-or-deploy-a-nuxeo-drive-instance/
Now when I run Drive setup with the new variable I get the error: nxdrive.exceptions.RootAlreadyBindWithDifferentAccount: ('username', 'https://octanner.nuxeocloud.com/nuxeo/')
What token, etc to I need to remove to resolve this issue?
07-22-2020 03:47 AM
This is happening when you try to add a new account and when there already is an account with those same values: the server URL, the username and the local folder. Change the local folder and the error should be gone.
07-22-2020 03:47 AM
This is happening when you try to add a new account and when there already is an account with those same values: the server URL, the username and the local folder. Change the local folder and the error should be gone.
07-22-2020 01:24 PM
Is there a way to clear the values on the server?
07-23-2020 04:23 AM
On the server, you can only remove a token, which will have no effect on the client side, e.g. the user will be asked to enter new credentials. It will not remove the account.
07-23-2020 11:22 AM
Ah, that was my issue...
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