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Nuxeo Drive - RootAlreadyBindWithDifferentAccount

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

I'm testing the best method to install Drive. My first test had the exe variable of /TARGETUSERNAME="username" I wanted to test using the example of /TARGETUSERNAME="foo" used in this documentation:

Now when I run Drive setup with the new variable I get the error: nxdrive.exceptions.RootAlreadyBindWithDifferentAccount: ('username', '')

What token, etc to I need to remove to resolve this issue?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor

This is happening when you try to add a new account and when there already is an account with those same values: the server URL, the username and the local folder. Change the local folder and the error should be gone.

View answer in original post


Star Contributor
Star Contributor

This is happening when you try to add a new account and when there already is an account with those same values: the server URL, the username and the local folder. Change the local folder and the error should be gone.

Is there a way to clear the values on the server?

On the server, you can only remove a token, which will have no effect on the client side, e.g. the user will be asked to enter new credentials. It will not remove the account.

Ah, that was my issue...

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