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Move alfresco from a host to another

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
i have an alfresco installation in host1 and there are some contents. i have a host2 that i would like to use it now and shutdown the server at host1. My question is how can i move the data in host1 to host2.


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Well..If there is a lot of work you have done on your host1, then you also might need to take the alfresco web-client contents (your docs n spaces) at your host2.
For complete migration of your data n contents on host2,
you need to take backup of d following things:
1) Alfresco db: If it's mysql, take backup of d db. Restore d same on host2

2) Alfresco repository: Your alf_data folder at D:/Alfresco (if installed at D drive). Your data will be stored n indexed in the 'contentstore' and 'lucene-indexes' folders.

3) Alfresco web-client (GUI) contents (if necessary) - For example: If all your data is in Company Home - use the default 'Export' wizard of alfresco which creates an '.acp' file. This file will contain all your data from Company Home. When u have configured host2, use the 'Import' wizard and drop d contents of '.acp' here.

4) Apart from this, if you have customized any classes or other files, I guess u must have put it in your extension dir. So take those classes, xml files which you have created or extended. Also take JAR files (created by you), if you had put it under WEB-INF/lib directory of alfresco.


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
I believe that when you restore database and alf_data that alfresco is working as before . and when you copy paste the alfresco.war and conf files that you will get alfresco on other server same as was before.
That you do not need export if you do all this.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi, I have to do the same procedure as @swardy, but there are some steps that 1 have doubt/couldn't complete:
1. In host2 we have to install alfresco 1st. and after move dir.root or restore db?
2. I actually use backup option in pgadmin stop tomcat services in managment tool and it gaves me a ".backup" file, but in host2 I do the same procedure and it gaves me and error 1, that means that couldn't complete the copy.
Hope you can let me know what im doing by wrong way.