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Restfull api and searching

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I would like to know how to use the search functions to search documents mixing content and metadata without using CMIS (unsuported for 3.1 version)

I have found how to look for the doc. inner content

but I'd like to find also documents of the created type doc:doc and with custom metadata, such as doc:number=8

With CMIS it would be:
http://<host>:<port>/alfresco/service/cmis/query?q=select%20doc:number,doc:description,cmisSmiley SurprisedbjectId%20from%20doc:doc%20where%20doc:number=8

I have checked the alfresco documentation and I think with the function I can do it, but I can't find any proper example

Can I configure the {searchTerms} to look for metadata and content at the same time? If so, how? If not, how can I do it? Is there any other way?

Thanks in advance

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
The easiest way to figure this out is to go in to Share, do the search, and watch what gets posted to Alfresco. Every interaction between Alfresco Share and Alfresco happens over HTTP so you'll be able to see exactly which web script is being called and what the format of the request is.

In some cases, requests go from the browser to the server, so those are visible in a tool like Firebug. In other cases, the requests go from the Alfresco Share web application to the Alfresco web application. Those are harder to trap. You either have to turn on the interactive JavaScript debugger on the repo tier, the share tier, or both, or you have to turn on a sniffer or developer proxy that watches the network traffic between the two.

Hope that helps.


Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the answer. I finally configured it with a script and lucene search.
