02-21-2025 07:57 AM
Good morning.
I am migrating data from an external system into the alfresco repository using Bulk Import, which is installed by default.
From a JSON generated by collecting all documents from another source, we generate the document (example .pdf) and an XML with all the metadata that should be applied.
And using the Bulk Import "source directory" it works fine, but there are properties in the JSON and in the property content, accented data and this generates an error.
We are always working in UTF-8 encoding and in Windows 2022 Server environments.
Has anyone had any kind of problem like this that can help us?
When I open the JSON/XML in Notepad++ the characters show strange and unaccented characters.
Marco Gianini
4 weeks ago
Can you post the full error you get ?
4 weeks ago
after I identify that code page of server is in Windows-1252 and json in UTF-8, i change my java code to read and convert the code page to UTF-8.
After this, the bulk import that's ok.
4 weeks ago
Yep happening to me too ^^, ty for sharing the solution
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