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doubt migrating alfresco to new server

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi everyone.

I'm working on Alfresco Community v4.2.0
(r63893-b12) schema 6033
Spring Surf and Spring WebScripts - v1.2.0
(Release 1331)

I installed it using the bundle pakage at Centos 6.4 64 bits, and the space on disk is running out, I gotta migrate Alfresco to a new server.

Following this tutorial

I got some querys about it.

Here is the steps

1.-Stop Application Server (ensures no one can make changes while backing up or restoring) —-No problem at this step.

2.-Export the database to Alfresco dir.root (same location as content and indexes)—-I got confuse at this point. Because this is what I have on my Alfresco global properties file:

### database connection properties ###
db.password=mipassword——————————————is this the db name, that Alfresco uses to storage data????
db.url=jdbcSmiley Tongueostgresql://localhost:666/${}

Reading documentation for postgresql for exporting database, I did this: psql –username=user8888 and typed my password, and then I listed the db on the server

psql \list
                                  List of databases
   Name    |  Owner   | Encoding |  Collation  |    Ctype    |   Access privileges  
postgres  | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |
template0 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres
                                                             : postgres=CTc/postgres
template1 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres
                                                             : postgres=CTc/postgres
(3 rows)

The database jun1414 doesn't show up.

I'm wondering what happend here, I'm not able to export database because I do not know where is the database that Alfresco is using.

Please someone throw me a bone here

Thanks in advance.


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
If your
has a
of "jun1414" and you've not overriden that / the
elsewhere, then that'll be what you're using

Try listing your databases with the postgres user, in case there's any permissions things going on. Also, make sure you're connecting to the right postgresql instance - your "db.url" suggests you have postgresql on a non-standard port, which your psql command seems to be connecting to the regular port.

Assuming the db.url entry is correct, you'd like want to list with something like
psql -U postgres -l -p 666

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi dear nickburch, I'll try your advice, and Iĺl post the result.

Thanks for your answer.