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We have identified an issue that impacts ACS versions 23.3.0, 23.3.1, 23.3.2 and 23.4.0, which has been resolved in the latest released versions.

Customers must avoid installing these impacted ACS versions.  ACS Versions 23.3.3, 23.4.1 or later should be installed instead.

Areas of Product Affected

  • Inability to view audit entries from before the upgrade
  • Quicklinks created before the upgrade no longer working
  • AGS fileplan and records all converted to DOD compliance

Remediation Advice

Customers who have installed any of the impacted ACS versions should upgrade to ACS 23.3.3, ACS 23.4.1 or later and then run the corrective database scripts available at Critical Data Integrity Fix for Alfresco 23.3.0 and 23.4.0.

In addition, if you are using Alfresco Governance Services (AGS) on any of the impacted versions, we strongly recommend that you contact Hyland Support and raise a support case with the following information, so that we can provide additional details for remediation.

  • Database, version:
  • Upgrade date:
  • Upgraded from version:
  • Customer has AGS installed or not:
  • If the database is mySQL or SQL Server and you have verified you are affected, we will need the configurations used:

Users of the Community Edition should track the following blog post for further details Critical Bug in Alfresco Community 23.3.0 and 23.4.0: Impact, Non-Availability, and Next Steps. 

We appreciate your continued partnership, and we are committed to working with you to minimise any disruptions.

Thank you. 

Hyland Global Support

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