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Forum Posts

Modify Content by workflow

Hi, I've my personal content my:document, whith a set of fields, including the field "Notes" (String) and the filed "Archive" (integer).So, I want modify the value of each field (Notes and Archive) by the execution of a step of my workflowI try with ...

zed by Champ in-the-making
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Modification recherche avancée -probleme des predeclarations

Bonjour,Dans le fichier web-client-config.xml il y a deux types que je ne veux pas afficher :<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Advanced Search">      <advanced-search>         <content-types>            <type name="fmost" />         </con...

milona by Champ in-the-making
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System Overview

Hello everyone. I wanted to know if Alfresco is possible to have an overview of the system that I have gone to create (sets of folders with rules, users, groups, etc..). Let me explain better: I must create a space that describes the corporate networ...

german by Champ on-the-rise
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Upload massif de fichier

Bonjour,Je m'intéresse de près à Alfresco qui m'à l'air d'être un excellent outil de GED.Dans la persepective de l'utiliser prochainement sur mon réseau, j'aurai voulu savoir si il existait une option permettant d'uploader facilement un très grand no...

nyakooza by Champ in-the-making
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Webscripts et PATH + METADONNEES

Bonjour à tous, Je me demandais si c'était possible de récupérer à partir d'un webscript, pour chaque document, les métadonnées associées à ce document ainsi que le "path" de ce document (ex : Alfresco>DataDictionary>File1…).De quelle manière cela es...

st by Champ in-the-making
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How to: Select specific user from a group?

I'm looking for an example for the following functionality: I would like to be able to have the user select from a list of users that is specific to a group. Let's imagine there are 20 users in the app spread over various groups. One of the groups is...

assignee of a workflow

I defined a workflow similar to adhoc workflow and I want to limit the list of assignee to users that belongs at a defined group of person.Anyone know how I can do this?

tito781 by Champ in-the-making
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Version 2.2 xs:include error

We have installed 2.2 on a new server.  When I added the web forms from the 2.1 environment, I'm getting a org.alfresco.web.forms.FormProcessor$ProcessingException: org.alfresco.web.forms.xforms.FormBuilderException: error parsing schema: at line 94 ...

green804 by Champ in-the-making
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Récupération de tous les aspects d'alfresco.[Résolu]

Bonjour,Est-il possible d'avoir, via programmation, la liste complète des aspects et des types (de base et custom) définit (supporté) dans Alfresco?Et si oui, y a-t-il moyen de récupérer la liste de toutes les propriétés et association d'un aspect do...

michel by Champ in-the-making
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