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Forum Posts

Get no result from query() in DiscoveryService

Hi,I'm trying the query() method in DiscoveryService. I used the code as below:discoveryS = ServiceFactory.getDiscoveryService();DiscoveryService.cmisObjectListType objectList = discoveryS.query(repositoryId, "select * from cmis:folder", true, false,...

rexmao by Champ in-the-making
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Custom folder PNG icons

Hi!Is it possible somehow to use png icons for custom folders instead of "gif"?Seems like alfresco is using "gif" by deafult.Or is there any other solution to be able to use icons of more quality, transparency etc..This doesn't work:<config evaluator...

msvoren by Champ in-the-making
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parallizing rules execution

I have an automatic ftp upload into alfresco. All arriving ftp-files should be sorted into subfolders according to defined rules.Problem: if I run the ftp upload without activated rules the performance for the ftp-transfer is not good but satisfying....

thk by Champ on-the-rise
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Permissions de visibilités

est il possible de rendre un répertoire invisible pour certains utilisateurs? (càd enlever les droits de lecture)Si oui quels sont les roles à faire

malek_iet by Champ in-the-making
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añadir escaneo

Hola! Estoy empezando con Alfresco, y voy a añadirle la funcionalidad para que automaticamente se importen documentos escaneados (más adelante le integraré OCR), y mi duda es, hago una aplicacion de escritorio en Java que utilizandola automaticamente...

Necesito Documentacion en español (3.2 community)

Saludos a todos, antes que nada solo una duda que creo que es obvia, ¿Se puede utilizar alfresco 3.2 Community en Windows 7? lo que pase es que tengo el Enterprise en Windosw xp pero lo van ahora a querer la otra version en Windows 7. También quisíer...

chac-mool by Champ in-the-making
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Modificação do calendário

Olá.Alguém ja mudou a linguagem do mini calendário que aparece no Alfresco Share?Qual a melhor forma para alterar a linguagem do mesmo?ObrigadoToze

toze by Champ in-the-making
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Customizar o Share e fazer um novo WAR

Olá. Como posso fazer um novo war do share customizado, para depois fazer deploy numa outra instalação de alfresco?Alguem me pode ajudar?Obrigado

toze by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco e Netbeans

Olá.Tenho o Alfresco instalado e tenho-o editado manualmente, foi-me sugerido que instalasse netbeans e usasse ant para desenvolver em Alfresco, que facilitaria o desenvolvimento.Nunca usei Netbeans antes, e não sei como proceder a isto, poderiam-me ...

How do you checkin in Share?

I do an Edit Offline in the 3.2 version of Share on Suse Linux.  Gets checked out on the server and a working copy gets created on the server.  Seems to be in some of the Microsoft folders also.  Anyway, so I complete editing, save my changes and clo...

jriker1 by Champ in-the-making
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