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Alfresco Portal's Integration

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

We are currently evaluating Alfresco Enterprise Edition and we have some questions regarding Alfresco's integration with other systems/technologies.

What is the best way to integrate with Websphere Portal Server, running jvm "1.4.2"? We know that Alfresco requires jvm 1.5…

We want to know if the currently Alfresco's portlets run ok on our Portal Server, and if not, what’s the best way to integrate it.

Is there any specific development for websphere portal or some good tutorials about it?

What is the best way to integrate with SharePoint?

That’s all for now.

We would appreciate some feedback about the best way to resolve the above questions

Thanks in advance

Best Regards

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Do you mean you want to run the Alfresco server as a webapp running within WebSphere portal?

Alfrescos Web Client and the Portlets are JSR-168 compliant. You can run these within any JSR-168 compliant Portal including WebSphere Portal.

What kind of Alfresco related developments do you want to do with WebSphere?

What do you mean by integrate with SP, what's the use case?



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

This thread has some information about running on Websphere on jdk 1.4.2


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks all for quick reply.

The kind of integration that my co-worker cfrancisco speaks its not about running the Alfresco itself in Websphere or other specific server/portal.

What we want to know about Websphere and SharePoint  its the kind of out-of-box (or almost Smiley Happy ) integration that Alfresco have with this portals have with/to the front-end/end-user.

-> DMS: show documents from the user in the portal, and what kind of actions he can do in that context.
-> CMS: change contents and preview that information inside the portal context. Ability to the end-user manage news (create, edit…) in the portal.

Once again, thanks for your attention.

Best regards,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Fernando,

for instance, you can include any WebSript generated content in a portal like the google gadgets:
or the facebook integration:
Another example are some of the my alfresco dashlets/portlets.
In summary, you can include any WebScript, because it is just an url-call.

take a look at the wcm-feature/module of alfresco. I don't have any experience with managing a websphere portal using alfresco wcm. But there will be a way…

Cheers, jpfi

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi jpfi,
Thanks for quick and helpful information!

Now, i just want to have some feedback, about who tried managing a websphere portal 6 using alfresco wcm and how it work.

Thanks for attention.
Best Regards,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Francisco,

as Mike stated above, Alfresco includes an out-of-the-box portal solution to simplify development and includes a framework of portlets for interacting with the repository. The portlets are developed using the JSR-168 standard and integrate with any JSR-168 compatible portal, including websphere. The portlets are developed using the JSR-127 Java Server Faces standards, which is a tagged based interface for adding user interface capability simply without programming the user interface presentation. These Alfresco JSF tags can be used in the development of custom portlets. Alfresco also comes pre-packaged with some portlets, here is a list:

    - Browsing content hierarchies with multiple, configurable views
    - Wizards for administration and creation of content spaces
    - Wizards for content handling, uploading and downloading
    - Interfaces for version handling and version history
    - Interfaces to manage properties of content
    - Team collaboration spaces interfaces
    - In-line editing of web content
    - Desktop integration for seamless launching and saving of content
    - Bread-crumb support for navigation
    - Easy Navigation model
    - A clipboard for saving content work and components
    - Query interface to allow users to search and browse content

Here is a link to some more information about installing and configuring Alfresco on a websphere application server:

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Francisco,

In terms of WCM, you can pulish content from Alfresco to either file system(s) and/or to separate Alfreco run-time(s).  Websphere portal will then retrieve these web assets to the user

Is quite simple to write or modify the portlets using webscripts.  There is more information on webscripts in the Content Community
Content Community > Webinar Slides > Alfresco Webscripts Webinar

Also, there is already a portlet which will show the user the list of forms available contributing news (or any other structured content)

Hope that this helps