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Forum Posts

CMIS contains for folders?

I can't seem to return any results with the following query (testing through Workbench) ELECT * FROM cmis:folder where CONTAINS('Contracts')‍That should return at least one folder - including the sample app folders.  My intent is to search any indexe...

aweber1nj by Champ in-the-making
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Restrições de busca por usuários

Caros, gostaria de saber como faço para que membros de um site, não consigam buscar/localizar membros de outro site em uma mesma instalação do Alfresco. Esta necessidade se apresenta em vários cenários, seja na designação de uma tarefa, ou na criação...

tardiolli by Champ in-the-making
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html code in the wiki

Hello, if we create an html document offline and then paste it in the wiki (HTML source editor), the syntay is interpretated wrong.Which html editor should we use for getting the best compatibility with Alfresco?All best,Kristina

kristina by Champ on-the-rise
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Error al acceder por ftp

Buenos días.Tengo instalado la versión 5.0.c configurada con autenticación externa (jasig Cas) y alfrescoNtlm de tal forma, que en la plataforma solo accederán los usuarios que peviamente el administrador los cree.Todo está trabajando perfectamente, ...

carlosjl by Champ in-the-making
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Problema con acentos en modelo?

Buenas,seguimos afinando el modelo de datos en Alfresco 5.0… Nos encontramos que al insertar un nodo nos devuelve una excepción con esta información:<blockcode>Invalid property value:    Node: workspace://SpacesStore/14gf6d15-9bd9-4dd9-9f37-e5ebd214f...

spilby by Confirmed Champ
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Message subscription question

Hello,I need a possibility to have several process definitions subscribed to the same message. Currently, it is not possible. Has this feature been considered for implementation? Since this is one of very important things for my project I'm thinking ...

sponomarev by Champ in-the-making
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Start ProcessInstance Unknown property used in expression: #{employee}

Hi all,I try to start a ProcessInstance but have errMy code:        try{           identityService.setAuthenticatedUserId("kermit");           runtimeService.startProcessInstanceById(processID);       }catch(Exception e){          e.printStackTrace()...

tunglk by Champ in-the-making
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Content migration into specialized types

Hello - I am new to Alfresco and I have the responsibility of migrating content into newly created Alfresco (5.0.1) specialized types within our Alfresco environment. My questions is how can I migrate data to these specialized types via the REST API?

Resolved! Including a sub-component inside the document library

Hello.I'm trying to develop a custom code which looks almost like the same idea described on this blog post I have to do is find how to make my sub-component to be...

douglascrp by World-Class Innovator
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Force Rendition Generation

Hello Experts,I see in alfresco the PDF renditions are lazily generated when user tries to preview a document from share UI.Is there a way to force the repository auto generate the renditions after document creation or update rather than on preview? ...

imran by Champ on-the-rise
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