02-21-2014 02:51 PM
Hi i have installed NUXEO 5.8 LTS and iam trying to use Nuxeo connect to register my instance and use the marketplace addon, but i just cannot seem to make it work.
I created a nuxeo connect account and have two applications listed there, the CLID and the technical Id are generated. When i provide the same from the Admin center in the nuxeo connect section it keeps saying instance not registered.
Here are the list of issues i saw when starting up nuxeo and while trying to connect to Nuxeo.
i created a self signed csr and keystore and made nuxeo point to it and tried again
i have provided anonymous proxy in the admin center so it should not be requiring any form of authentication, i don't understand why i am getting this.
By the way weird thing is I once saw that my instance was registered in the connect section and i was able to access Marketplace once , but after the next restart it never connected again.
What are the possible things am missing in configuring the nuxeo connect.Please help, thanks. We are trying to evaluate Nuxeo for our org.
03-11-2014 01:33 PM
yes the params are reflected in the server console each time i change them
09-14-2015 07:58 PM
any update on this? I have seen the same issue now. I did all the advise above, like adding these java opts , add certificate. Still same error happened.
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