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Make description field hidden on custom types

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

I have created some custom types which contain some fiels in addtion to title (dc:title) and description (dc:description) ; now i want to make the description field hidden. I mean it will contain some data but i don't want it to be shown to users. I've made some research and found that i can use this code

  <mode value="view">#{empty layoutValue.dc.format?'hidden':'view'}</mode>

But i can't find where to put it . Any help would be appreciated.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor

As you just want to hide the field from viewing in the layout, you can just create your custom layout extension. For example, you provide dc:title and dc:description in the create mode but not in the read mode. In this case the layout row and the dc:description related widget are simply removed from the layout definition.

 <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager" point="layouts">
 <layout name="layout@customType-create">
                <template mode="any">/layouts/custom_layout_template.xhtml</template>
                    <properties mode="any">
                        <property name="nxl_colspan_0">1</property>
                    <properties mode="any">
                        <property name="nxl_colspan_0">1</property>
            <widget name="title" type="text">
                    <label mode="any">Title</label>
                <properties widgetMode="edit">
                    <property name="styleClass">dataInputText</property>
                    <property name="required">true</property>
            <widget name="description" type="textarea">
                    <label mode="any">Description</label>
                <properties widgetMode="edit">
                    <property name="styleClass">dataInputText</property>
        <layout name="layout@customType-view">
                <template mode="any">/layouts/custom_layout_template.xhtml</template>
                    <properties mode="any">
                        <property name="nxl_colspan_0">1</property>
            <widget name="title" type="text">
                    <label mode="any">Title</label>

If the availability should be handled permission based (custom permission or user group) you can follow the guidelines here:

But in general you end up with a widgetMode entry like:

    <mode value="view">#{nxd:hasPermission(layoutValue, 'customPermission')?'view'}</mode>

Hope this info helps you.

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