11-08-2013 10:21 AM
My nuxeo development project has several modules, deployed as plugins for nuxeo CAP. A new module bundle (created in the same manner than the others) has Seam components and xhtml pages.
Although there is no noticeable difference with other modules, the Seam components of this new bundle are not deployed causing error in JSF request lifecycle (Seam error "component X not found").
That's the only error trace I have.
Activated all possible logs, the traces show that my bundle JAR is processed by nuxeo deployer: deployment-fragment file is used (nuxeo.war content is copied). But that's it. For other seam beans there are traces of "org.jboss.seam.deployment.Scanner" code, here there are none.
Already checked:
That's it, running out of ideas to pursue analyse.
11-08-2013 10:38 AM
Did you create an empty seam.properties file in resources?
11-08-2013 10:38 AM
Did you create an empty seam.properties file in resources?
11-10-2013 03:46 AM
god... that was it. Thank you!
11-10-2013 09:03 AM
glad it was that simple!
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