Yaco developers (msaelices, antoniomaria/asanchez, erny1803/Ernesto Revilla) would like to contribute:
* ACT-947: Retrieve process variables through REST interface
* ACT-946: Category in ProcessDefinition REST Response
* ACT-945: Enable creating new users through rest interface
* ACT-959: Retrieve process diagram through rest interface by processDefinitionId
* ACT-960: Retrieve active task list from processInstanceId
All issues have patches attached.
Beside this we have already the following for REST API, but JIRA issues are still not created:
* Create Tasks and substasks
* Return processDefinitionId for each task
* Get process definition & tasks
* Reassign tasks
* Save variables in history patch
Beside this, we may like to contribute authentication with proxy user, much like Alfresco or the usual master user in IMAP.
Best regards.