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What to do about wcm for 5.0?

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
I've got a legacy (community) install that includes wcm - we don't actually use it but it was included by default in the original installation (not by me)

I notice that wcm isn't included any more with version 5 so the question is what to do?

I briefly tried just leaving it out when upgrading to 4.2 but, despite attempting to delete all wcm content, this just made things unhappy.

So the question is how should I handle this when upgrading to version 5?

I've looked in the upgrade docs and can't see anything

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You are going to have to be more specific than "this just made things unhappy." 

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
When I tried removing wcm in 4.2 the main problem was a lot of messages in the logs from solr about missing content models which caused the solr indexing to fail hence much unhappiness.

I was hoping that there would be some documentation on how to handle this as I'm assuming it's a fairly common problem now that wcm has been dropped in 5 but I couldn't find anything.

In 4.2 I ended up putting wcm back in, as it wasn't doing any harm, but that's not an option now.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I think the upgrade path to 5.0 is to re-index with solr4.   The need for a re-index is one of the reasons that 5.0 is a major release.  You can use the lucene index (and probably the old solr index) for a short period while you upgrade and wait for the solr 4 index.

Hopefully someone will write some detailed instructions soon.   
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