01-25-2008 06:02 AM
+————————————+ +————+
| 1. locate file to upload | | +—-+ |
| | | | OK | |
| Location: _______________ | | +—-+ |
| | | +——–+ |
| 2. Press Upload | | | Cancel | |
| | | +——–+ |
| +——+ | +————+
| |UPLOAD| |
| +——+ |
| |
| 3. Select Priority: |
| |
| +———–+-+ |
| | choice 1 |v| |
| +———–+-+ |
| |
+————————————+ +————+
| 1. locate file to upload | | +—-+ |
| | | | OK | |
| 2. Press Upload | | +—-+ |
| | | +——–+ |
| 3. Select Priority: | | | Cancel | |
| | | +——–+ |
| +———–+-+ | +————+
| | choice 1 |v| |
| +———–+-+ |
| |
| Location: _______________ |
| |
| +——+ |
| |UPLOAD| |
| +——+ |
| |
<action id="my_import">
<label>My Import</label>
<param name="id">#{actionContext.id}</param>
<!– Add action to more actions menu for each space –>
<action-group id="space_browse_menu">
<action idref="my_import" />
<dialog name="myImport"
title="My Import"
description="Custom Import" />
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/alfresco.tld" prefix="a"%>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/repo.tld" prefix="r"%>
<%@ page buffer="32kb" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"%>
<%@ page isELIgnored="true"%>
<!– Upload Form –>
<h:outputText value=" 1. Locate the file to upload<br><br>"
escape="false" />
File location:
<input style="margin-left:12px;" type="file" size="50"
name="alfFileInput" />
<h:outputText value=" 2. Click Upload<br><br>" escape="false" />
<input style="margin-left:12px;" type="submit" value="Upload" />
<!– END: Upload Form –>
<!– Priority –>
<h:form acceptcharset="UTF-8" id="import-priority">
value=" 3. Choose desired priority for import operations<br>"
escape="false" />
<h:outputText value="<br> " escape="false"/>
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{DialogManager.bean.first}" id="Priority">
<f:selectItem itemValue="User" itemLabel="User" id="firstUser" />
<f:selectItem itemValue="Project" itemLabel="Project"
id="firstProject" />
<!– END: Priority –>
01-25-2008 09:43 AM
01-25-2008 10:14 AM
<!– Upload Form –>
<input style="margin-left:12px;" type="file" size="50"
name="alfFileInput" />
<!– END: Upload Form –>
<!– Priority –>
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{DialogManager.bean.first}"
onchange="javascript:changed('First')" id="First"
<f:selectItem itemValue="User" itemLabel="User" id="firstUser" />
<f:selectItem itemValue="Project" itemLabel="Project"
id="firstProject" />
<!– END: Priority –>
<select id="dialog:dialog-body:Priority" name="dialog:dialog-body:Priority" size="1">
<option value="User" selected="selected">User</option>
<option value="Project">Project</option>
<!– Upload Form –>
<input style="margin-left:12px;" type="file" size="50"
name="alfFileInput" />
<!– END: Upload Form –>
<!– Priority –>
<!– END: Priority –>
01-29-2008 07:33 AM
<input style="margin-left:12px;" type="file" size="50"
name="alfFileInput" />
01-30-2008 10:52 AM
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