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RuntimeService APSv24.3 doesn't backward compatible

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

hi all, trying to solve a problem after migration from 1.11 to 24.3.

we have a custom delegates (for example InitiateProcessVariableDelegate) in which we injected RuntimeService interface (real type RuntimeServiceImplAPS) and trying to save variables.

public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) {
runtimeService.setVariable(execution.getProcessInstanceId(), "test", "newContentId");

I know that we can use execution.setVariable(...) but sometimes in other delegates it's not possible...

when our process is starting, before first User Task we have the Service Task invoking below delegate bean, but when process starts on activiti-5 definition it throw an exception 

ActivitiObjectNotFoundException execution does not exist

it happens because despite the fact that that RuntimeServiceImplAPS creating SetExecutionVariablesCmdAPS which has a logic to identify Activiti version his parent class NeedsActiveExecutionCmd trying to find execution in v8 context. This is strange bug, because v8 context doesn't knows nothing about the newly created execution, which is still in process and does not flushed to DB


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

As a solution we trying to replace all usages of only one RuntimeService injection to two implementations 


or using own adapters and v5 Context with v8 Context