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Forum Posts

Share Point integration with Alfresco Community

Hi all,I am new around here so if I am posting my query in the wrong section, then please accept my apologies.I am trying to enable Edit Online option for editing MS Office docs using Share Point on Alfresco 5.0.d without using SSL. The server side i...

shak_75 by Champ in-the-making
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Space allocation for new site

HiIs there anyway to allocate space for the site that i create?At present, it looks like, every site that i create has unlimited space which i want to restrict it.Please help

satinderp by Champ in-the-making
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LDAP authentication and sync

Hi,I configured the ldap authentication following this guide ( It imported in Alfresco all users from ldap, but I can't login in Alfresco with user/password stored in Ldap. There is no error in alfresco.log or catalin...

multijob03 by Champ in-the-making
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Ldap y Alfresco, cualquier usuario se loguea

Hola a todos, es mi primer mensaje en el foro, me estoy sumando a la comunidad de alfresco.Tengo el siguiente problema, conecte ldap zentyal a alfresco para autenticar usuarios y grupos.Funciona perfectamente salvo por un detalle. Traigo 1 grupo con ...

elliotness by Champ in-the-making
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Aspects/Types not showing on Share

Hey Folks,I have been following JPotts Custom Content Types Tutorial to try to understand how modeling works on Alfresco and then apply it according to meet my requirements.Well, the guide is pretty straight-forward, so I followed exactly how it is s...

AbstractBpmnParseHandler in version 6 Beta

New to Activiti and was tasked with upgrading from 5.18 to 6.0.  After pulling in the new jars, I noticed that AbstractBpmnParseHandler.findActivity(BpmnParse, UserTask) method no longer exists in the Abstract class.  Without really understanding the...

schommerc by Champ in-the-making
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connection settings for oracle user not owning schema

Hi, we want to deploy activiti in a Oracle database in which the application user that connects to the database is not the owner of the schema. Let's say ACT is the user owner of the Activiti tables and ACTAPP is the user that the engine uses to conn...

cvillegas by Champ in-the-making
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Issue with a multi instance finishing

I have got a multi instance call to a subprocess including a finishing condition flag.  From one  the  subprocess being called that flag maybe set in the parent process which causes the other subprocesses in the multi-instance to finish , and that wo...

jsueiras by Champ in-the-making
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Get Workflow initiator

Hi,I've implemented a web script that searches task details from by task id using java. I use workflowService to do the query but the query doesn't return init task. After doing some research I found out I could get the init task using the service an...

sihnu by Champ in-the-making
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Deplyoing Shell-ServiceTasks doesn't work

Hello everybody,i am not very familiar with activiti so it may be a stupid question. I have installed Activiti 5.13 on a centOs-machine which has a TomCat6 and a mysql-database. I have change the configuration to work with the mysql-database. All oth...

dcs1 by Champ in-the-making
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