Hi all ! we're evaluating a copy of Alfresco for our CM system. One of the main major requirements that we need is to quickly find and recover our documents that we have in our Spaces. I have seen that Alfesco has Lucene search libraries….anyway could you give me a minimal list of options to search and find documents. For example is there a way to search a document without writing Java Code ? Please shed some light on this……… Francesco
Yes, you can do a full text search from within the Web Client in the right upper corner. Also, you can query for metadata, document category using the Advanced Search (select it from the drop down menu next to the search field in the corner of the web client).
And to get more with searching , are the users able to edit a list of web forms created in a parent folder ? And especially, are they able to sort out the result list by meta data (id, author name, product category,…) ?
I'd like to create WEB forms template for each product range, and store them in a parent folder.