Error message: 01150016 Wrapped Exception (with status template): 01151498 Failed to execute script 'classpath*:alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/alfresco/slingshot/rmsearch/rmsearch.get.js': 01151497 Failed to execute search: PATH:"/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:rm/cm:documentLibrary//*" AND ((ASPECT:"rma:record" AND ASPECT:"rma:declaredRecord") AND (title:AgedTrialBalance.gif) AND NOT ASPECT:"rma:versionedRecord")
I am happy to report that I discovered my error and I have now successfully conducted a search and a wildcard search. My mistake was fail to set up myself access to the related files.
The only improvement at this point perhaps is an error message such as "No records found".