Hi all,
New to the forum. I have been reading on Alfresco and seem to do quite a bit. I can't seem to figure out if it will help me out. I have installed servers for an animation studio. They are using it quite happily. Now I need to help them streamline their workflow. I need to know if the following is possible with Alfresco.
1] User logs in and enter their home directory
2] They will use a specified file naming convention
e.g. : YF_S_#01_v01.doc
3] System will filter the above file names and copy it to respective folders of clients as WIP
4] After the files in WIP have been approved it will again be filtered and copied to Final folders of clients
I hope this is clear if not I could try to explain more if needed. Basically I need all this other than approval part need to be done automatically as much as possible. If this is not possible can you direct me as to where I could look to achieve my intended purpose.
Tks in advance